Spoken to representatives of the Seoul Dynasty regarding the rumours surrounding the benching of MT Chan-Hyung “Fissure ...
My Top 6 of the Week for Week 3, Stage 2! Some players here that don't often get mentioned, and while they might not...
LFT OWL/Academy/Contenders~ Role Main Tank~ Professional Overwatch player previously on @Immortals, @SFShock, @Firstgeng...
Dallas Fuel NotE on D.Va Balance - "As much fun as I have playing other heroes, I think I’d still like D.Va to continue ...
"We think that Janus is a great Tank player but he isn't the right one for us..."Read more: pic.twitter.com/BCf9MGpl...
SATIRE: Decay to change his name to De500k in public bid to up his salary - Blink and Recall OWL風刺シリーズの第3弾。今回は風刺というより最近メ...
この男の子は一体誰でしょう? 答えはこのクリップの中に出てくる人物。Dogmanではないです。
DOGMAN BOWLCUT (for real this time) from r/Competitiveoverwatch 二年前にOWL入りしたらキノコヘアにすると公言していたDogmanが公約どおりボウルカットに。 試合終了後の断髪...
Shu's Insane Stats, 10 Deaths across the League's highest scoring series from r/Competitiveoverwatch 1試合あたりのトータルポイントが過去最...
These schedules are insanely bad from r/Competitiveoverwatch 今ステージの対戦スケジュールの偏りがひどすぎるという指摘。 無敗の上位4チーム(VAN、GLA、SFS、LDN)、1敗...