未分類 I decided to change name, my name will be "Naga" moving forward. It's now possible for me to be cheered in twitch chat, ...2019/02/27 17:41未分類
未分類 We spoke with @GeoffGoodmanOW and @westofhouse about the newest @PlayOverwatch hero, Baptiste! "Baptiste is quite simila...2019/02/27 17:39未分類
未分類 Baptiste's Primary Fire Damage Output Compared to Other Support's from r/Competitiveoverwatch ヒーラーのプライマリDPS比較(ベストエフォート)。...2019/02/27 10:01未分類
未分類 On the PTR, Mercy is no longer slowed when she uses Resurrect during Valkyrie from r/Overwatch PTRのマーシーはヴァルキリー中の蘇生でスピードダ...2019/02/27 09:55未分類
未分類 Baptiste's Abilities' Range Put into Perspective on Junkertown from r/Competitiveoverwatch バティの回復ランチャ、リジェネバースト、イモータリティフィ...2019/02/27 09:36未分類
未分類 You can one shot a Roadhog with Widow through Baptiste's ult from r/Overwatch ウィドウのHSとバティストのUlt(120 * 2.5 * 2 = 600)でホッグ...2019/02/27 09:23未分類
未分類 Happy to announce that @Fusions is approved and eligible to play this week. Although we obviously did not agree with the...2019/02/27 08:56未分類
未分類 Genji's Dragonblade ending no longer cancels Deflect from r/Competitiveoverwatch PTRでは竜撃剣終了時のモーションで反射がキャンセルされなくなった模様。2019/02/27 08:51未分類