未分類ヴァンクーバーがBumper退団を発表 Thank you Bumper! 💚💙“Bumper was an important part of our inaugural season and helped us establish our team identity earl...2019/11/28 06:43未分類
未分類OWLの身内贔屓についてXQC The whole Overwatch community crying over nepotism and unfairness. WHEN HAS OVERWATCH LEAGUE EVER BEEN A MERITOCRACY? HA...2019/11/27 20:09未分類
未分類Chipsaのフィリー加入についてFlameとHarbleuのコメント Flame on signing Mendo from r/Competitiveoverwatch フィラデルフィアのChipsa獲得はマーケティング目的とするJayneの指摘に対し、人気ストリーマーやインフルエンサーを獲得するのは今回が...2019/11/27 15:02未分類
未分類Unkoe、某選手に嫌味 Wait, i didn’t know that the secret to win in owl was to get kicked from three teams and leak the 2-2-2 after a retireme...2019/11/27 11:26未分類
未分類Jayne「OWLはどのチームも赤字」 Jayne claims every team in OWL is losing money from r/Competitiveoverwatch Chipsaのフィリー入団はコネとマーケティングが理由と批判し炎上中のJayneがSide...2019/11/27 10:32未分類
未分類OWコンテンツ制作について、元ダラスコーチのPeak 1 year of free coaching resources, vod reviews and spamming OWL analysis from me or anyone else creating content didn't ...2019/11/27 10:28未分類
未分類追記2: Chipsaのコネ入団を指摘するJayne Must be really exciting to work with a team that your brother coaches, what a crazy coincidence. 🤔 Jayne (@AskJayne) 201...2019/11/27 07:32未分類
未分類ヴァンクーバーがFissure獲得を正式発表 It's official. Please help us welcome Fissure to the Vancouver Titans! We're excited to see some ground breaking plays f...2019/11/27 07:11未分類
未分類追記2: フィリーがChipsa加入を電撃発表 What it's like when an Overwatch League team plays around a Doomfist? We're about to find out.Please welcome the...2019/11/27 06:51未分類
未分類NYXLがO2 BlastのMandu獲得を発表 With each day, New York grows stronger.Welcome @mandu_ow to the @andbox_official family. Please show him some NYXL love#...2019/11/27 06:40未分類
未分類ShroudがEscape From Tarkovをプレーし続ける理由 👀 @shroud explains why there's only one game out there that still gives him an "adrenaline rush." — DEXERTO.COM (@Dexert...2019/11/26 20:10未分類
未分類Dcinsideの移籍リーク情報(11/26) 恒例Dcinsideのリーク情報とさらなるアップデート情報。 New 5 leaks from Seoul Dynasty gallery posted 3 days ago.(2 of them are true so far) from...2019/11/26 13:04未分類