OverwatchOverwatch League 2020 Season | Countdown Cup | APAC Day 1 The Champions are down! The @NYXL prevent the reverse sweep against the @GZCharge and will play the @ShanghaiDragons in ...2020/08/08 22:43Overwatch
OverwatchOverwatch League 2020 Season | Countdown Cup | NA Day 1 The #OWL2020 North American Quarterfinal matchups are locked in, and we're in for a great day of Overwatch. Is your ...2020/08/08 22:40Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(8/8) ZachaREEE hits a massive shock dart from r/ValorantCompetitive 今日行われたFaze Invitationalの対C9戦から。最後の一人になったZachソーヴァが跳弾角度を誤った...2020/08/08 17:34Overwatch
OverwatchCountdown Cupプレーオフ準々決勝組み合わせ The #OWL2020 North American Quarterfinal matchups are locked in, and we're in for a great day of Overwatch. Is your brac...2020/08/08 11:30Overwatch
OverwatchOWリードライターがBlizzardを退社 Today was my last day at Blizzard! ❄️ I had such a lovely time! It was an honor to build story with two awesome teams: t...2020/08/08 10:48Overwatch
OverwatchMirrorが1試合全ロールコンプを達成 MirroR becomes the first player in the 2-2-2 era to play all three roles in the same match (Junkrat, Zarya, Brigitte). f...2020/08/08 09:11Overwatch
Overwatch今季のShockwaveウィドウ Shockwave’s Widow stats this year from r/Competitiveoverwatch ヴァンクーバーのスター候補生Shockwaveの今季スタッツ。 得意のエコーだけでなく、ウィドウメイカーとしても優秀...2020/08/08 08:39Overwatch
Overwatch負けは負け I will accept this as a loss. from r/Overwatch ポイントキャプチャは実際には101%が必要で、稀にこういったことが起こることもあるらしい。2020/08/08 08:20Overwatch
Overwatchコンテンダーズ複数チームがVODシェアでBAN Clarification: they're only banned from this month's cycle of path2pro. I'm assuming this means they'll all start in ope...2020/08/08 07:58Overwatch
Overwatchダブルシールド弱体化へのreddit民の反応 Threads about the experimental card rn from r/Competitiveoverwatch アグレッシブなバランス調整を約束しながら、1年以上に渡り放置した退屈なダブルシールドメタの弱体化をドや顔で...2020/08/08 07:35Overwatch
Overwatch追記:今季MVP最終候補10名が発表、昨季同様にファンからは選出方法に不満の声も Introducing your @TMobile MVP nominees 👏@alarm | @carpe_ow | @Shock_CHB | @Viol2t_OW | @Cr0ng_OW | @Eileenzhi1 | @ow_fle...2020/08/08 06:50Overwatch
OverwatchOWL第26週視聴データ、同時期開催のRAGE Japanは35Kを記録 26th week Overwatch League 2020 streams stats. @SFShock vs @Outlaws is the most popular match of the week. #Overwatch @o...2020/08/07 17:46Overwatch