Overwatchレアル・ベティスがValorant部門のロスターを結成、見覚えのある選手も Everyone's getting in on the #VALORANT hype! Spanish football team, Real Betis, are the latest to announce their com...2020/10/06 08:49Overwatch
OverwatchショックのNRGもValorant部門を結成 Once #NRGfam always #NRGfam...Welcome home @daps and @chetsingh Let's get this Valorant team started. pic.twitter.co...2020/10/06 07:13Overwatch
Overwatch元ヴァリアントのVerboが現役復帰へ I did it once... and I'm looking to do it again. I'm back and searching for competitive Overwatch opportunities....2020/10/06 06:36Overwatch
Overwatchボストンが新たなヘッドコーチを招聘 2021, here we come.Hot off a strong showing in Korean Contenders with WGS Phoenix, please welcome Lori (@tmddnr145) as o...2020/10/06 06:27Overwatch
OverwatchFragi配信中 Fragi is live on Twitch, streaming Overwatch from r/Competitiveoverwatch FragiがひさしぶりにOWの配信を再開した模様。ほかには原神インパクトもプレー。2020/10/06 06:07Overwatch
Overwatch訂正:OWLグランドファイナル視聴リワードにスプレーとトレーサーのスキン2種が正式発表 Good things come to those who watch 🥳 Celebrate the #OWL2020 Grand Finals with our biggest drops yet! Remember to connec...2020/10/06 05:10Overwatch
Overwatch位置修正 This wasn't in the patch notes, but a couple of patches ago, healthpacks on KOTH maps were had their alignment fixed...2020/10/05 18:39Overwatch
Overwatchアッシュとマクリーが主人公の公式ノベル第2弾が来年6月に発刊 New official Overwatch novel about Ashe & McCree is coming in June 2021.It will explore the founding of the Deadlock Gan...2020/10/05 18:02Overwatch
Overwatch追記:RedshellがNAサポートラダーの1位/2位を達成 Redshell hits rank 1 and 2 from r/OverwatchTMZ ルシオメインとして知られるRedshellがNAサポートラダーで1位と2位を達成した模様。 Before I go, im just here t...2020/10/05 17:48Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(10/5) I have won, but at what cost? from r/Overwatch 一か八かコーチガンで決死のロールアウトから2キルを奪うも最後はそのコーチガンが裏目に。 つい先日エコーメインでSR4700を達成したDantehが...2020/10/05 17:15Overwatch
OverwatchOverwatch 2020 ACE Championship | Final Stage | Day 2 English: Thai:2020/10/04 17:43Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画/画像⑥(10/4) Loudest sound on earth from r/Overwatch 地球上で最もうるさい騒音がこのXQCとM0xyyのかつてのデュオ。 Thank you u/Whatupboi6 for the screenshot from...2020/10/04 13:12Overwatch