未分類 We are excited to announce the new Gen.G esports Overwatch Contenders roster! We ask for your continuous love and suppor...2019/02/22 22:55未分類
未分類 Welcome new Flex Tank Sasin @Wi0zAKqSMvbfnJB joining our crew. He once serve in Team White Whale & Foxes. Sasin shows gr...2019/02/22 17:24未分類
未分類 That might have been the worst goats fight in the league so far. Lol. — MonteCristo (@MonteCristo) 2019年2月22日 WAS vs LDN...2019/02/22 10:10未分類
未分類 There were a number of teams who didn't look comfortable running 3-3 in Overwatch League's opening week. Read about why ...2019/02/22 09:18未分類
未分類 The proliferation of 3-3 has changed the way we look at Overwatch statistics, and @CaptainPlanetOW is back to break it a...2019/02/22 07:00未分類
未分類 Modern looking for fresh start with Blank Esports in Contenders Australia | Dot Esports Meta Athenaの🇰🇷Modern(タンク)がオセアニアの...2019/02/22 00:16未分類
未分類 Undocumented change: Low Health Indicators changed for non-200 hp heroes from r/Overwatch 昨日のパッチで体力低下を知らせる赤の警告が一律残り~75から...2019/02/21 09:35未分類
未分類 Surely this is the reason. It all makes sense now.— Kyle Souder (@KyKy) 2019年2月20日 批判の矛先を選手ではなく自分に向けさせるのは良いコーチが持つ資質、Jayn...2019/02/21 08:25未分類
未分類 View this post on Instagram Noob Daniel Francescaさん(@dafrandude)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 2月月20日午後1時03分PST CarpeとJayneのプロレスにフィリーと...2019/02/21 06:53未分類
未分類 ... and here I was worried that @Fusion might actually try to improve their play during the week - but hey, if they'...2019/02/21 06:41未分類