Overwatch追記:移籍ゴシップ+5(10/11)フィリーのNinekコーチがショック復帰へ / SuperとCHBが現役引退へ、一方Viol2tは再契約 他 As reported yesterday, Philadelphia Fusion HC Bum-Hoon “ninek” Kim is leaving the team for another OWL team. According t...2021/10/11 21:00Overwatch
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ+2(10/10)アトランタが元ATのサポートコンビと契約へ / アトランタが前ショックのNeroと契約濃厚、Pelicanはトレード放出へ 他 According to multiple sources, the Atlanta Reign are in line to sign former American Tornado and current Redbirds Esport...2021/10/10 22:45Overwatch
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ+1(10/8) The amazing player makes lots of calls and keeps talking with the team for the win. I could see so much passion from you...2021/10/08 20:25Overwatch
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ(10/7) According to multiple sources the London Spitfire are supposedly expected to announce former Philadelphia Fusion assista...2021/10/07 20:02Overwatch
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ+4(10/6) According to multiple sources, the Boston Uprising have supposedly re-signed Off Tank Leyton “Punk” Gilchrist— Arran “Ha...2021/10/06 23:19Overwatch
Overwatch League移籍ゴシップ+5(10/5)元ソウルのMiroがコーチでLFT / 前ショックのStrikerがLFT 他 LFT OWLstill under contract with GC Busan TDIPosition : coachDiscord : GC Busan TDI Miro#6765Email : gjh0138@naver.com p...2021/10/05 21:00Overwatch League
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ(10/4) According to multiple sources Los Angeles Gladiators DPS Ji-Hyeok “Birdring” Kim is supposedly expected to announce his ...2021/10/04 21:08Overwatch
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ(10/3) According to multiple sources, the Guangzhou Charge are supposedly set to release support player, Young-Seo “KariV” Park...2021/10/03 21:02Overwatch
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ+3(10/2)AspenがOWLを対象にLFT / “I still love OW” by Onigod 他 Onigod is LFT from Competitiveoverwatch ファンの予想を裏切りパリ退団が発表されたOnigodですが、中国のファンからLFTかヴァロラント転向か質問されたところ、前者であり今でもOWが大好きであると答え...2021/10/02 17:40Overwatch
Overwatch本日の雑記(9/30) According to multiple sources, the Philadelphia Fusion have allowed support player Daniel “Funnyastro” Hathaway the oppo...2021/09/30 17:50Overwatch未分類
Valorant追記【ヴァロラント】T1のSayaplayerに退団の可能性(現在は残留の見込み) Sources: T1 is set to undergo further changes to its VALORANT roster. In-game leader DaZed has been dropped from the ros...2021/06/02 10:29Valorant
Overwatch移籍ゴシップ情報(6/1) Multiple Sources had told that Shanghai Dragons DPS Min-Seong “Diem” Bae is supposedly considering retirement and is exp...2021/06/01 18:25Overwatch