Overwatch前チャージのCharaが現役引退 Retirement as player, time to move onRead: Chara (@Chara_RRRing) December 2, 2020 昨季までチャージでプレーしていたChara(韓国、サポート)が現役引退を表明...2020/12/02 22:33Overwatch
Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ(12/2) Change the scheme. pic.twitter.com/3aRtkS1cGG— Ready Set Pwn (@readysetpwn) December 1, 2020 以前、回りくどいティザーでAgilitiesのヴァンク...2020/12/02 21:09Overwatch
Overwatch上海がDiemとの再契約を発表 Oops, guess we're not done signing players! Let's run it back one more time...Welcome @diem_ow back to the Drago...2020/12/02 13:04Overwatch
Overwatchショックの補強についてMillerオーナー I can honestly tell you we (Shock) were not anywhere near the high bidder for any of the players we signed.— Andy Miller...2020/12/02 12:58Overwatch
Overwatchサンフランシスコに前ロンドンのGlisterが電撃入団 Another piece to the championship puzzle is in place... #3Peat Please welcome @Glisterow to the Shock Family 🧡 pic.twitt...2020/12/02 06:00Overwatch
OverwatchヴァンクーバーがLinkzrほか3選手加入を発表 Welcome to the #ForceOfNature@frdwnr @Fire_OW @LiNkzrOW pic.twitter.com/zNWep2jnVr— Vancouver Titans (@VancouverTitans) ...2020/12/02 05:59Overwatch
OverwatchBenbestがOWL復帰を断念か Seems like i will not have a chance to play in the League next year, kinda disappointing after such a good season i don&...2020/12/02 05:58Overwatch
OverwatchTaimouがEnvyとの契約満了を報告 As of today I am no longer signed with @Envy . I owe @hastr0 and @Envy_Graham more than everything and am forever thankf...2020/12/02 05:57Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画/画像④(12/1) OWL昨シーズンのルシオのハイライトをまとめたスーパープレー集。後半にはオールスターで実現したFunnyAstro対Fdgodのデュエルも。 I deciphered the coded message you sneaky sneaky ...2020/12/01 21:05Overwatch
OverwatchMrioがコーチとしてもLFT View this post on Instagram A post shared by Miro_ow (@miro_ow) 現役復帰に向けてLFTを出していたMiroがプレイヤーとしてだけでなく、コーチとしてもOWL/OWCチームを対象...2020/12/01 19:33Overwatch
Overwatchウィンターワンダーランド予定日 When does Overwatch's 2020 Winter Wonderland event begin? | Dot Esports Winter Wonderland 2016 started on 13 December, 2...2020/12/01 19:27Overwatch
Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ②(12/1) Tune in tomorrow to see if @haloofthoughts got any correct 👀— Vancouver Titans (@VancouverTitans) December 1, 2020 Haloの...2020/12/01 13:39Overwatch