OverwatchSuperとSpaceがゴールドプレイヤーとマッチング Space and Super get a gold dps in his comp game from r/Competitiveoverwatch ランクマッチでSpaceとSuperのチームにゴールドが紛れ込む珍事が発生。 試合は5-...2020/03/19 17:06Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画⑥(3/19)恐怖の機関車トーマスWS this might be the most fun gamemode ever to hit custom games pic.twitter.com/9JYjMxQ7mu— Uprising spackle (@spackleow) M...2020/03/19 12:55Overwatch
OverwatchBlizzardネットワークに再びDDOSA、あのLizard Squadが関与? We are currently monitoring a DDOS attack against network providers which is affecting latency/connections to our games....2020/03/19 11:53Overwatch
OverwatchXQC、同棲相手がコロナ感染の疑いでエコー配信を断念? xQc was supposed to be a part of this Echo reveal stream partnership ordeal - but COVID-19 got in the way. from r/Compet...2020/03/19 10:42Overwatch
Overwatch元ヴァリアントのNumlockedがトロントアカデミーに加入 Player announcement! // Annonce de joueurs!Welcome to the team // Bienvenue dans l'équipe @numlocked & @sHockWaveOW ...2020/03/19 10:08Overwatch
OverwatchヴァリアントのMcgravyが元所属チームのEnvisionについてコメント McGravy confirms rumors that EnVision players were not allowed to try out for OWL teams. Also stating that they would be...2020/03/19 10:01Overwatch
Overwatch明日未明からTimがジェフ同席でエコーを配信へ Tomorrow at 10AM PT, join @timthetatman, along with Game Director Jeff Kaplan, as we get the first look at Overwatch'...2020/03/19 07:00Overwatch
Overwatch魔の64分 Fun Fact: The "Time Elapsed" of how long your queue has lasted is reset upon it reaching exactly 64 minutes. from r/Comp...2020/03/19 07:00Overwatch
Overwatch追記2:新ヒーロー:エコー近日リリース決定(ゲーム内モデルあり) Introducing Echo. An evolutionary robot programmed with a rapidly adapting artificial intelligence, Echo represents the ...2020/03/19 01:04Overwatch
Overwatch追記3:公式ティーザー第3弾まとめ> Accessing… > File decryption: Complete > Displaying image pic.twitter.com/pSZUJV9q7W — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) Marc...2020/03/18 23:04Overwatch
OverwatchBlizzardネットワークにDDOSA We are currently monitoring a DDOS attack against network providers which is affecting latency/connections to our games....2020/03/18 13:41Overwatch
Overwatchポルトガル語版ソルジャーVAのアフレコ ポルトガル語版ソルジャーの声優さんがfacebookにアップロードしたアフレコ風景(その後削除)。 17秒くらいのところで、バックグラウンドから"talk to liao"という英語版ソルジャーのセリフがかすかに聞こえるらしい。 おそらくは...2020/03/18 11:51Overwatch