NYXL's new pickup, Nenne, is leading the entire league in stats by a long shot. from r/Competitiveoverwatch 10分あたりの"Elm ...
Mangojai, the former flex support for HKA, created a weibo account and introduced himself as a support player for Team C...
Shroud gave his thoughts on how to improve the current state of the Overwatch League. — DEXERTO.COM (@Dexerto) 2019年2月25...
Shroud has clarified himself after appearing to take shots at the Overwatch League. DEXERTO.COM (@Dexerto) 2019年2月25日 Sh...
오버워치 컨텐더스 코리아 2019 시즌1 O2 Blast팀의 시즌 로스터 입니다. pic.twitter.com/cWhw8VI0F8— O2 Blast (@O2Blast_OW) 2019年2月25日 O2 Blastがコンテ...
Why are people making a big deal about @jakeow hitting his desk? Love that shit. Shows emotions, he cares, and is frustr...
Bumper's Reinhardt Stats from r/Competitiveoverwatch 今日の試合序盤までのBumperのラインハルト主要スタッツ。30分以上ハルトでプレーした選手が対象。
今日もOTで決めたJjanuのエピック4Kボム。お膳立てしたBumperのシャッターは約15秒でチャージ。Jjanuの自爆は平均0.37キルでリーグトップ。bumper pov
BREAKING: @Fusion parent @ComcstSpectacor and Korea's SK Telecom will announce a joint esports venture, which includ...
After seeing owl teams play goats I can say that Top EU teams could beat most teams. They dont fully understand the matc...
go and play your fortnite tourneys shroud— dafran (@dafran) 2019年2月24日 ShroudがツィートしたOWLに対する、おそらくは好意的ではないと思われるミームにDafranが...