Overwatch開発チームへの敬意を欠く発言に苦言を呈すSuper Comments like this do nothing and make the developers wanna communicate with the the community and pros less and less be...2020/01/09 10:40Overwatch
Overwatchトロントアカデミーが新ロスターを発表 🚨 ROSTER ANNOUNCEMENT HAPPENING NOW 🚨🚨 ANNONCE DE JOUEURS ARRIVÉE MAINTENANT 🚨 pic.twitter.com/kWuL8gSSoj— Montreal Rebe...2020/01/09 10:06Overwatch
Overwatchアカデミー加入についてTaimou I could have stayed benched whole year and get higher salary but instead I wanted to pursue happiness that is profession...2020/01/09 09:54Overwatch
OverwatchダラスがTaimouのアカデミー入りを発表 One of our originals, @DF_Taimou, takes his legacy back into @OWpathtopro with @Envy. We cannot thank Mr. Good Aim enoug...2020/01/09 08:32Overwatch
OverwatchバティストとDvaだけでなくメイも次回PTRで調整へ Oh, and according to that post, both Mei and Baptiste have changes coming in the next PTR.Wording suggest nerfs of some ...2020/01/09 08:10Overwatch
Overwatchショックが新スキンを公開 That was quick. pic.twitter.com/9DzZM4a3MV — San Francisco Shock (@SFShock) 2020年1月8日 さきほど新たなチームカラーを発表したサンフランシスコの新スキン。2020/01/09 07:52Overwatch
OverwatchトロントがMangachuの2way契約を発表 Support the full Toronto Defiant Family! Our Academy Team @MTLRebellion will be revealing the full roster soon. First an...2020/01/09 07:35Overwatch
Overwatchサンフランシスコが新チームカラーを発表 In 2020, The Silver and Black Stays in the Bay. #LightsOut pic.twitter.com/auYKxkVvo3— San Francisco Shock (@SFShock) 20...2020/01/09 06:34Overwatch
OverwatchTa1yo選手がEsportsHeavenのインタビューに登場 Ta1yo: “No matter how good and great you think you can be, nothing can beat multiple people working together.” -- Esport...2020/01/09 06:21Overwatch
OverwatchCustaがオーストラリア支援のチャリティ配信で1万ドル以上を集める During his Twitch charity stream, former #OverwatchLeague pro @Custa raised over $10,000 for Australian firefighters! @p...2020/01/09 05:57Overwatch
OverwatchTalonとOputoのレンタル契約が満了 Thanks, @Talon__esports, and @Arachne_esports who gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams in Overwatch and made my 2...2020/01/08 19:49Overwatch
OverwatchアトランタのFrd、開発スタッフの見解に辛辣ツィート some serious walter white loud pack being smoked at bliz hq— frd (@frdwnr) 2020年1月8日 Blizzardの本社ではウォルター・ホワイトが精製したやばい純度の麻...2020/01/08 18:40Overwatch