未分類Slasher、OWLシーズン2の視聴者数について Activision Blizzard can tout increased hours watched with the additional franchises/games and its Nielsen AMA metrics al...2019/09/15 08:50未分類
未分類TriumphのSamitoがOpen Dvision Practice Seasonについてコメント And to all OD players out there, if I were you I would take this practice season seriously. If you do well there’s a goo...2019/09/15 00:43未分類
未分類Marve1の減量 Marve1’s weight loss in two photos Ana’s Tal Mask (@gatamchun) September 14, 2019 減量具合がちょっとした話題になっていたMarve1(ソウル)のB4/Afte...2019/09/14 22:50未分類
未分類Haksalのドゥームフィスト評 Haksal's Doomfist (Spoiler) from r/Competitiveoverwatch OWLで最高のドゥームフィストはHaksalではないかとするユーザーのポスト。先日のグラディエーターズ戦ではリーグトップクラスの...2019/09/14 15:58未分類
未分類本日のJjonakのスタッツ Wow! We are going to map 7 - truly, the match that was promised! Devilish numbers there for @JJoNakLove ... ending Numba...2019/09/14 15:42未分類
未分類Rechard LewisがOWLプレーオフの配信広告に言及 So, had a few people message me telling me that some websites have had the Overwatch League stream running as an ad on t...2019/09/14 14:32未分類
未分類アカデミーはトップチームよりも強し? Dogman: "When we were doing good, our Academy team was the best team because they were beating us in scrims." from r/Com...2019/09/14 09:08未分類
未分類『2019 Open Division Practice Season』の登録受付が開始、トライアル参加権は付随せず Itching to get back to competing? Registration for the 2019 Open Division Practice Season is now open! Read 👉 Sign-Up 👉 ...2019/09/14 08:09未分類
未分類[追記] 次回のバランス調整はグランドファイナル後の可能性も? Theory: we're not going to get much news about the next patch until after Sept 29, when the season finals are done. from...2019/09/13 23:27未分類
未分類Kephrii夫妻が破局 You may have noticed I have been a bit distracted or not quite myself lately & that’s because Devyn & I are divorcing. T...2019/09/13 23:06未分類
未分類ヴァンクーバー・タイタンズもCall of Duty Leagueに参戦 We’re excited to welcome another esports team to the family! Follow @SeattleCOD for all the news. pic.twitter.com/jFD3Et...2019/09/13 22:55未分類
未分類ドゥームのメタ入りを懸念するVizility I'm worried for OWL trials if Doomfist stays such a dominant pick. That hero is unplayable on high ping— Vizility (@...2019/09/13 21:16未分類