Today we announce the retirement of Do-hyung "Stellar" Lee. Thank you @dohyung6130 for what you brought to this team. We...
Halo Of Thoughts: Report: How The Uprising & Valiant Trade Broke Down リークされていたボストン(Fusions、Asking)とヴァリアント(Fate、KSF)のトレード...
Undisclosed Symmetra Teleporter D.Va Bomb combo Buff on the PTR from r/Competitiveoverwatch PTRでテレポーターと自爆のコンボを合わせるとカタパルト...
I'll be going back home to PA today, I am excited to take streaming a little more seriously as well as improving myself ...
We’re pleased to announce a new addition to the Fuel coaching staff! Welcome @baemoN to the team as our new Tank coach. ...
Breaking News: We are pleased to announce that @FelxGG will be the new Head Coach of the Paris Eternal. We are excited f...
made a lot of mistakes in my career, i've acknowledged them and have tried my absolute best to learn from them. i've mad...
SATIRE: HuK launches expedition to Antarctica to scout for unknown Overwatch talent - Blink and Recall 知名度の低い選手を安価で獲得しては...
Breaking News: The meta is still goat.— Benjamin Chevasson (@uNKOE) April 3, 2019 一昨日記事にしたZPと同じこと言ってますね。現行パッチでもリーグではまだしば...
Comprehensive List of Recent Trades, Signings, and Releases from r/Competitiveoverwatch OWLとコンテンダーズのシーズン途中での移籍状況をまとめたスレ。...
It's @daemin1004! Please welcome the newest member to our team; bringing his experience from OWL to Australia. Watch...
Dallas Fuel leaks by Jayne from r/Competitiveoverwatch Jayneによると、まだダラスで公になっていない何らかの変化がもうすぐあるそうです。コーチ自らのセルフリークということで現実味があ...