LFT EU/NA as a player (DPS/flex supp)Read: Michael Adams (@MikeyA) April 2, 2019 先月、Uprising Academyのアシスタントに就任したばかりのMike...
What happened to the Developer Updates?Here are all the dates when a new Dev. Update was uploaded to YouTube last year: ...
HarryHook on Chipshajen from r/OverwatchTMZ Harryが配信中にダラス退団後、音信不通状態のChipsについてコメント。 - ここしばらく彼とは話をしていない。最後の会話も大分前。 - 最後にディ...
Spent a lot of time the last week gathering info from players and staff about how scrims on live have gone. Near univers...
OWL 2019チームガイド⑱:ヒューストン・アウトローズ
Geoff Goodman said in the stream with KarQ that there might be more changes coming to this PTR that specifically targets...
I'm leaving @TeamGigantti. I learned so much while being with them. They are all hard working players and all of them de...
TIL: You can Protect 'Immortality Field' by hiding it under the payload from r/Competitiveoverwatch ペイロードの真下にイモータリティフィール...
Speed boosts new interaction with Dva flight from r/Competitiveoverwatch PTR変更の影響なのか、スピブの効いたブーストで勢いよくすっ飛んでいくDva。他にも今回の変更...
I decided to change name, my name will be "Naga" moving forward. It's now possible for me to be cheered in twitch chat, ...
Symmetra ptr nerfs? PTR1.34のビームへのアーマー軽減値変更により、シンメトラが受ける影響について開発者がコメント。