Overwatch本日の動画③(11/16) So I found something out today! I didn’t know that you could open the door solo. Am I the only one who didn’t know this?...2020/11/16 13:00Overwatch
Overwatch煽りのセンス Let history never forget this sacred screenshot from r/OverwatchTMZ こっちはファックしたばかりなのにお前ら朝からフルパかよ、というプレーはともかく煽りのセンスは一流だったB...2020/11/16 08:44Overwatch
Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ(11/16) Sources: Paris Eternal owner Drew McCourt is willing to trade the Franchise for a PS5, hopefully with some games include...2020/11/16 07:37Overwatch
OverwatchYiskaも移籍ゴシップ市場に参戦 After having given it some thought and having talked to a lot of people about it, I will be starting to report on roster...2020/11/16 07:26Overwatch
OverwatchOWLプレイヤーサミットでの出来事を暴露するSeagull COD players aren't alone on this one.OWL players were given a set of streaming rules/policies at the player's su...2020/11/16 06:40Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(11/15) Ultimate Echo guide by Danteh from r/Competitiveoverwatch エコーでNAラダーの頂点を極めたDantehによるエコーの究極ガイド。 Best Teleport Rush in the ...2020/11/15 09:10Overwatch
Overwatch元オランダ代表のVizilityが二度目の引退 Although it hurt, it is an honor to say farewell to such an incredible personality in the scene. There will never be ano...2020/11/15 09:09Overwatch
Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ⑤(11/15)"I can't reveal anything about Paris in 2021. Anyway you will see; all that I have to say is that avalla is giving h...2020/11/15 09:00Overwatch
OverwatchダラスがパリのXzi獲得を発表 Route #7:📍@ElementMystic | | | __ __ __ __ __ __ __📍 @ParisEternal |⁰ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | |📍Arrived: Fuel.We're...2020/11/15 07:00Overwatch
Overwatch追記:シーズン24のKRラダー1位のMykaylee GZC MYKaylee and ChoiSehwan 1st and 3rd on S24 DPS ladder from r/Competitiveoverwatch チャージに加入したChoishewanの配信映像から、シーズン24の...2020/11/15 00:01Overwatch
OverwatchNico「俺はOW界のムバッペ」 j'suis le mbappe d'overwatch mais les équipes s'en rendent pas compte moi je vous le dis— M.Nicolas (@NiCOgd...2020/11/14 23:55Overwatch
Overwatch前上海のDiyaがLFT LFT OWLDiscord: OW_Diya#5496 Contact: DiyaLu@outlook.comCan English and Korean shotcaller open and RTs appreciated— Diya...2020/11/14 21:43Overwatch