Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ(2/17) JkAru19 to Fusion perhaps?? from r/Competitiveoverwatch フィラデルフィアの選手スタッフらが前ボストンアカデミーのJkaru19を一斉フォローしたことで、同選手がフィリーの新加入選手では...2021/02/17 09:00Overwatch
Overwatch【オーバーウォッチ】BlizzConでF2P化発表の予定はない―自称リーカーのMetroが予想 And as mentioned, F2P is in the works also probably will not happen at Blizzcon, who knows, maybe we get a Christmas mir...2021/02/17 08:48Overwatch
OverwatchコンテンダーズNAのSquare OneがAspen退団を発表 FAREWELL ASPEN. Goodbyes are never easy, but this one is especially tough. You were the best guardian angel we could hav...2021/02/17 08:28Overwatch
OverwatchコンテンダーズEUのNew Kingsが新メンバーを発表 Blease welcome the beoble: 🎳🇸🇪 @LullSiSH 🐇🇸🇦 @owKSAA 🕷️🇮🇪 @Grathenz 🕵️♀️🇦🇹 @SeicoeOW 🍆🇵🇭 @Ex0rath ⛷️🇫🇷 @dridro_OW 🪴 🇬🇧 ...2021/02/17 08:21Overwatch
Overwatch【オーバーウォッチ】KR公式が不正ツール使用者に対するBANウェーブを実施、1万を超えるアカウントが検挙される Overwatch Massive Cheating Player Ban Wave 🚨 February 16, 2021 Overwatch korean servers 10,164 player accounts using pro...2021/02/17 07:25Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(2/16) made a compilation of every zarya jump you need to know in the game. link in comments from r/Competitiveoverwatch メアリービル...2021/02/16 07:59Overwatch
OverwatchBritish Hurricanesが新メンバーを発表 Hope you all had fun cracking the @Noukky-nigma code🧠🤯We are so proud to announce our 2021 British Hurricane Roster:🛡️ @...2021/02/16 07:36Overwatch
Overwatch【オーバーウォッチ】3月末にFlash Opsを開催へ―プロが望むバランス調整を反映した実験カードで対戦 #ShockVsWorld is less than a week away, but the offseason party doesn't stop there 🥳In March, a highly qualified pan...2021/02/16 07:26Overwatch
ValorantAkm、Unkoe、TivQらがOGのヴァロラント部門に正式加入 Together, apes are much stronger. 🐒Time to unveil the world's best protected secret. Monkey Business is coming home ...2021/02/16 07:13Valorant
Overwatchフィリーがさらなる新戦力と契約か? Roston (Fusion GM) confirms more signing(s?) for Philly, citing visa issues and covid, as well as a roster reveal video ...2021/02/16 05:43OverwatchOverwatch League
Overwatch本日の動画/画像(2/15) Oh, hello enemy Widow! from r/Overwatch ウィドウしばき隊のファラによる痛快なハイライト集。 Accidental object on the Ashe Huntress ADS gun model? ...2021/02/15 17:05Overwatch
OverwatchコンテンダーズEUのYaBがロスター全員を放出、Benbest、Nico、Kruise、Boomboxらが集結の噂 It’s never easy to say goodbye, but that’s just the cycle of life... Thank you to everyone who was a part of the YaB fam...2021/02/15 08:43Overwatch