Overwatch本日の動画(10/25) KarQ: OVERWATCH BOUNDARIES for EVERY MAP from r/Competitiveoverwatch KarQがワークショップ(コード:WNSY6)を利用して各マップのポイント境界線をくまなく調査。 実際...2020/10/25 08:12Overwatch
Overwatch前グラディエーターズのJaruが引退 Retiring for my mental health.— Jaru (@JaruOW) October 24, 2020 今季グラディエーターズに所属していた🇺🇸Jaru(ダメージ)が引退を表明。 心身の状態を理由にした簡素な引退発表...2020/10/25 04:51Overwatch
Overwatch週明けにEileenとDiyaから何らかの発表が? Diya: I’ll announce something big on Monday, hey, bros Eileen, in the comments: It’s also OK if I announce it 👀 pic.twit...2020/10/25 04:39Overwatch
OverwatchトロントがKDGを新ヘッドコーチに任命 Join us in welcoming @dgkimmm to the Defiant family as our new Head Coach 🙌 We're looking forward to your leadership...2020/10/25 04:31Overwatch
OverwatchHaloに釘を刺すDanteh having an offer doesn't necessarily mean i've re-signed— danteh (@danteh) October 24, 2020 ヒューストンとの再契約の可能性を報じるHa...2020/10/25 04:14Overwatch
OverwatchワシントンがMag加入を発表 Coming straight out of an impressive Contenders season, we're thrilled to have Mag join usas our new signing! @uxbVi...2020/10/25 04:05Overwatch
OverwatchロンドンのSGNはフロリダへ? According to sources, a deal has supposedly been reached between the Florida Mayhem and the London Spitfire for Support ...2020/10/24 23:29Overwatch
OverwatchワシントンがDecayと再契約 Decay, we've seen you as an integral building block from the moment you joined. @DecayOW will be with us through 202...2020/10/24 23:11Overwatch
OverwatchDecayとMagの移籍ゴシップ Sources: The Washington Justice have re-signed star DPS player Gui-un "Decay" Jang.— Arran “Halo” Brown (@haloofthoughts...2020/10/24 22:18Overwatch
OverwatchDantehが再契約とのリーク、Magに関する噂 According to sources, the Houston Outlaws are going to continue to build around their star DPS player in Dante "Danteh" ...2020/10/24 15:40Overwatch
OverwatchYXLがハンターズアカデミーのヘッドコーチとして復帰 YXL named as coach for Chengdu academy team from r/Competitiveoverwatch 成都ハンターズの公式weiboによると、昨季までプレーしていたYangXiaoLongがアカデミ...2020/10/24 15:22Overwatch
Overwatch訂正:ダラスがこの週末にさらなる選手と契約か? As far as I'm aware, the next will be sometime this weekend. I'll update on all these Fuel items. Sean Collins (...2020/10/24 09:41Overwatch