OverwatchDecay欠場についてAeroヘッドコーチ Here are the 2 quotes Reinforce got from Aero in Decay not playing: pic.twitter.com/qmYbBeU7SY— Sean Collins (@seanzcoll...2020/06/21 12:51Overwatch
OverwatchDecayの噂 Comment from discussion Competitively, Dallas Fuel is the worst managed team in OWL. 今日のヴァンクーバー戦で謎の欠場となったDecayだが、アトランタのB...2020/06/21 10:35Overwatch
Overwatchショック対パリ戦では12の異なるヒーローが出撃 12 different heroes in the initial lineup for Paris Vs San Francisco from r/Competitiveoverwatch 本日のサンフランシスコ対パリ戦では両チームが異...2020/06/21 10:04Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(6/21) The two week hero pool change is a MASSIVE win in my book, it's so great to see innovation going into tactics and st...2020/06/21 09:54Overwatch
Overwatchワシントンが新アシスタントコーチを任命 We are happy to announce that @OW_CHILHWA will be joining the Justice as an Assistant Coach!After a spectacular victory ...2020/06/21 08:19Overwatch
OverwatchトロントがZykkの正式加入を発表 We welcomed him temporarily a few weeks ago, & now we welcome him permanently! We're excited to announce that @zYKK_...2020/06/21 08:15Overwatch
OverwatchOverwatch League 2020 Season | Week 20 | APAC Day 1 .@saebyeolbe making incredible Tracer plays just feels right.#EverUpward #OWL2020 ⏰ pic.twitter.com/EAfRssgWYC— Overwatc...2020/06/20 23:53Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画④(6/20) Clutch Mei Wall off the side of the map to save myself from r/Overwatch シルバーでもあなどることなかれ。環境キルからアイスウォールで見事に生還を果たす崖際のメイ。 “T...2020/06/20 23:50Overwatch
OverwatchSeagull「新規なら迷わずOWを買うべし」 Seagull explains why Overwatch is the "best game" for new players | Dexerto.com 配信中、OWを今から買っても大丈夫だろうか?というチャットの質問に、多分セール中...2020/06/20 07:43Overwatch
OverwatchワシントンがStratusとのストリーマー契約を終了 Please join us in wishing @StratusEclipse the best of luck as we mutually part ways so that he may explore other opportu...2020/06/20 07:29Overwatch
OverwatchOnigodがOWL入りのために犠牲にしてきたもの With @Onigod finally making OWL, I'm sharing my favorite screenshot of all time and reminding you guys that: girls a...2020/06/20 07:19Overwatch
OverwatchDecodのOWL入りを望むファン We would like to congratulate @DecodOW 🇳🇴 for coming 2nd in Contenders and we look forward to sending him to OWL. Welcom...2020/06/20 07:09Overwatch