未分類 .@overwatchleague viewership on @Twitch has fallen short of 2018 figures for the second straight week. However, viewersh...2019/04/17 19:38未分類
未分類 LIVE STREAM (Facebook) - OhNickel with Jeff Kaplan - LOTS of upcoming news updates Ohnickelさんの配信に登場したジェフのコメントまとめ(一部割愛)。 ...2019/04/17 19:36未分類
未分類"Homestand Weekend" ○ く|)へ 〉 "Ultimate Weekend"  ̄ ̄┗┓ ┗┓ ヾ○シ ┗┓ ヘ/ ┗┓ノ ┗┓ Homestand Weekend is officially sold out! #The...2019/04/17 19:35未分類
未分類 Reaper Shadow Step Cooldown Bug -- new update from r/Overwatch ウェブ版パッチノートにCD7秒→6秒という記載のあったシャドウステップのCDが実際は10秒のまま。PTRでもCDは...2019/04/17 19:32未分類
未分類 Regarding YangXiaoLong’s unwarranted remarks in-game: On behalf of the Chengdu Hunters, we apologize to Aspen and all pe...2019/04/17 19:31未分類
未分類 Overwatch Patch 16 April Rundown from r/Competitiveoverwatch いつもの最新パッチまとめ動画。アーカイブスイベントとリーパー、ジャンクラット、シンメトラに調整が入っています。 Ove...2019/04/17 19:30未分類
未分類 If Hangzhou Spark wins the first 2 maps in Friday's game against GZ Charge, GZ will take Shanghai's record of longest ma...2019/04/16 13:20未分類
未分類 Fusion University lose their first Contenders match against Mayhem Academy | Dot Esports 昨年のコンテンダーズ開幕から続いていたFusion Unive...2019/04/16 13:17未分類
未分類 You can run... But you can't hide!Give @speedilyow a warm welcome to the family! 💙🤙 pic.twitter.com/r6wdEyHuk3— XL2 ...2019/04/16 12:45未分類
未分類 한국에 있어 핑이 높기 때문에 팀원,스태프와 회의를 통해 이번시즌은 드랍하기로 결정했습니다.이번시즌에 쇼다운매치도 걸려있고 여러모로 중요한 시즌이기 때문에 개인적인 욕심보단 팀을 위한 결정을 했습니다.이번시즌 이후로...2019/04/16 12:36未分類
未分類 Overwatch's newest hero Baptiste is looking like a solid support pick right now - check out the detailed analysis fr...2019/04/16 12:19未分類
未分類[訂正] International Contenders competition is right around the corner! Here's all you need to know about our upcoming Show...2019/04/16 11:15未分類