Thank you for your continued reports, and enjoy Diablo III!!!
- Leoric’s Crown will not contain a socket if obtained before level 18
(レベル18以前にLeoric’s Crownを入手すると確定ソケットが付かない問題)
- Item affixes and Player Skills that grant Life Per Resource Spent do not function while under the effects of Channeling Pylon
(チャネリングパイロンの効果が発動中、アイテムやスキルに付いているLife Per Resource Spentが機能しない問題)
- The damage inflicted by the Exorcist monster’s lightning attack is not being prevented by the Xephirian Amulet’s legendary power
(Xephirian AmuletがExorcistのライトニング攻撃を無力化できていない問題)
- The area of effect in which the Anarch monster’s dash attack deals damage does not match the visual ground effect when the attack is interrupted by a Wizard’s Black Hole ability
(Anarchのダッシュ攻撃がウィザードのBlack Holeによって遮られると、ビジュアルと実際のダメージ範囲が一致しなくなる問題)
2.2.1 Known Issues List – Updated 5/19/15