There are no upcoming hotfixes to announce at this time.
The drop rate for Bounty-specific Legendaries has been drastically increased and scales based on game difficulty (9/3)
The Cesspools should less frequently spawn enemies immediately at the start of the level (9/3)
Greater Rifts:
The drop rate for Key of Trials has been significantly increased (9/3)
The amount of Blood Shards that drop in Greater Rifts has been increased; this number scales based off the tier of the Greater Rift completed (9/3)
(トライアルキーのドロップレートを大幅に引き上げました。Greater Riftで貰えるシャードの量を増やしました。数量はクリアしたレベルによって異なります。)
The Cesspools will no longer spawn in Greater Rifts (9/3)
Note that they still have a chance to spawn in regular Nephalem Rifts
(Greater RiftでCesspoolsマップが登場することはなくなります。ノーマルリフトでは登場します。)
Boon of the Hoarder should now work correctly when your pet kills an enemy (9/3)
(ペットがエネミーを倒した時もBoon of the Hoarderの効果が正しく機能するよう修正しました。)
PSA: T6 Has a 100% Cache legendary drop rate