Wyatt Cheng on Twitter: “@Venaliter Furnace is powerful but not interesting. I’d rather focus on interesting legendaries rather than perpetuate a rather bland item. / Twitter”
@Venaliter Furnace is powerful but not interesting. I’d rather focus on interesting legendaries rather than perpetuate a rather bland item.
– Furnaceのドロップレートを見直すつもりはない?もしくはそれに匹敵する武器をもっと作るとか?エンシェントのせいでそれが気になる。
John Yang on Twitter: “@WtvGames @candlesan @joshmosq Good catch. That has since been fixed. Screenshots from BlizzCon are old. / Twitter”
@WtvGames @candlesan @joshmosq Good catch. That has since been fixed. Screenshots from BlizzCon are old.
– DHの新セットはクローク(torso)ではなくてチェストアーマーですよね?なんか変だけど。
John Yang on Twitter: “@Dark_Knlght @Diablo Trials do their job but you have to do them too often. Crafting keys is probably not the right solution. We are aware. / Twitter”
@Dark_Knlght @Diablo Trials do their job but you have to do them too often. Crafting keys is probably not the right solution. We are aware.
– トライアルをなくすってシナリオは考えられないの?キーを作れるようにするとか?もしダメなら理由は?
John Yang on Twitter: “@Jonnzz @candlesan Additive as currently implemented. / Twitter”
@Jonnzz @candlesan Additive as currently implemented.
– 馬場の新セットを着た時のSkull Graspのダメージボーナスは乗算?それとも加算かな?