未分類フィリーがSnillo退団を発表 It's hard to say goodbye to family. @snillo_ow has been a part of Fusion since the very beginning, but we're exc...2019/12/20 06:57未分類
未分類メイのアイスウォールハックを実演、多様化するチートツール here is the same shit "CYY" was doing compare its yourself and judge it yourself the evidence is right infront of you gu...2019/12/19 07:27未分類
未分類Runawayが旧ロゴ使用を継続 Runaway is keeping their original logo! from r/Competitiveoverwatch Runawayが先日発表した新しいロゴはRunnerが満足しなかったのかボツになり、今後も従来のデザイン...2019/12/18 23:56未分類
未分類Kephriiに新たなミームが誕生 Guys I caught myself hacking smh check out this lock on the pharah better 0.25 it Lane (@Surefour) 2019年12月18日 8inchにかわる...2019/12/18 17:47未分類
未分類LoL世界選手権決勝の視聴率はOWL決勝の20倍 The @lolesports World Championship Finals nearly 20x'd the @overwatchleague Grand Finals this year in global average min...2019/12/18 09:40未分類
未分類ボストンアカデミーが伊代表のDragonEddy加入を発表 We’re bringing the heat to Boston this winter. Please give a warm welcome to the newest member of the Uprising Academy, ...2019/12/18 07:54未分類
未分類OWLがTeamSpeakとサプライヤー契約 TeamSpeak provides the most Secure, Powerful and Flexible VoIP for competitive gaming and Esports. So we're pleased ...2019/12/17 09:06未分類
未分類22歳以上はブーマー The debate is settled. Everyone above the age of 22 is a boomer proven by the Overwatch League and science. Yiska (@Yisk...2019/12/17 08:36未分類
未分類ボストンアカデミーが13歳の少年と契約 Fresh off a Top 4 finish at the NCS Grand Finals over the weekend, please welcome @RhynO_OW to the Uprising Academy! pic...2019/12/17 08:19未分類
未分類RedshellがKephriiとの内ゲバについて I want to clear something out,I dont care about being benched. What I dont like is being scapegoated for things that are...2019/12/16 20:13未分類
未分類本日の動画(12/16) Asking's nutty shot in broken barriers finals from r/Competitiveoverwatch Breakable Barriers NA決勝のAskingハンゾーがヒットスキャン張りのフ...2019/12/16 12:16未分類