Just watched a conga line of animals get escorted out of the Blizzard Arena. Morons out here taking this 'Year of th...
Nous accueillons maintenant le célèbre joueur sur console @Tensa_The_Sage 🇺🇸 et le très flexible @YouMustHooey 🇧🇷! We no...
Hero hours played pickrate lucio 18.63942804 89.25% dva 17.11448912 81.95% brigitte 16.87844064 80.82% zenyatta 16.79950...
OWL 2019チームガイド⑰:フロリダ・メイヘム
Accueillez nos premiers représentants pour la Ville de Montréal @ChayneOW 🇨🇦 et @GoliathOW 🇺🇸 Welcome our first represen...
About Kuki starting today: he was asked to practice Lucio about 3 weeks ago, with the aim of introducing more flexibilit...
Paris Eternal Support Kruise fired shots at rival OWL teams struggling to play GOATS, calling it the result of poor team...
imagine theory crafting a cheese comp at 3 am when you just got knocked into losers bracket in beat and it somehow ends ...