OverwatchSOEが新シーズンもデスクを担当へ A new year, a new role...exciting times ahead! Looking forward to another year in the @overwatchleague - I'll try my...2020/01/22 19:47Overwatch
Overwatchコンテンダーズで多い構成 Widow/mei/rein/orisa/lucio/bap is a really common comp in contenders+ scrims atm— LFT maid (@maid_OW) January 21, 2020 元...2020/01/22 09:23Overwatch
Overwatch今月末にDEVELOPER UPDATEが公開予定 It's time for a new Developer Update. It's been 6 months ジェフから今月末(来週?)に公開予定のDEVELPER UPDATEを最近収録したとのコメント。 6ヶ月近くDVELOPER ...2020/01/22 09:07Overwatch
Overwatchバルセロナのグリーズマンがesportsチームを起ち上げ Prêt @theogriezmann !? #HeadManager @GriziEsport pic.twitter.com/o5PbI9mXRt— Antoine Griezmann (@AntoGriezmann) January ...2020/01/22 06:26Overwatch
Overwatch追記:アトランタのEdisonがHackusationに困惑 Edison is asking people to stop hackusating him for no reason. He couldn't even play the game because of people wrongly ...2020/01/22 06:11Overwatch
Overwatch訂正:Hero Tier List January 22, 2019 (GM, ALL) 訂正: 1.44リリースから1週間経過したものと勘違いしたリストです。せっかくだから残しとくけど、金曜日にまた出直してきます。 ------------ GRANDMASTER 1.442020/01/22 05:40Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画④(1/21) BBANGFIST: A Korean Doomfist's montage with some INSANE rocket punch spots from r/Competitiveoverwatch 韓国人プレイヤーBBANGFIST...2020/01/21 21:46Overwatch
OverwatchヒーローBANについてLinkzr Having to prep multiple strategies default has always been way more interesting rather than most likely end up with one ...2020/01/21 20:18Overwatch
OverwatchESPNのWolfがOWL批評動画に対する反応に反論 Here's some context, given some recent backlash on my thoughts on Overwatch League and the precarious position they're i...2020/01/21 18:47Overwatch
OverwatchAmengボールの記録 wait the Ameng stat is actually crazier than I thought...... he’s #1 in final blows in a match ever as a wrecking ball w...2020/01/21 17:19Overwatch
Overwatch新型コロナウィルス 中国で感染が拡大しつつある「新型コロナウィルス」について、時期尚早かもしれないが、Blizzard、OWL、チケット購入者はプランBを今のうちから計画しておいたほうがよいのではないかとする警告。 2003年にSARSが猛威を奮ったときは、中...2020/01/21 17:15Overwatch
OverwatchTairongの賞金未払い問題についてFlame I've asked immortals for your pay stubs (+mine) 4 times and still haven't gotten em. As much as anyone with the ...2020/01/21 16:53Overwatch