未分類 Competitive Update: Changes Coming into Stage 2 🔗: pic.twitter.com/liywqVhequ — Florida Mayhem (@FLMayhem) April 4, 2019...2019/04/05 10:44未分類
未分類 Graduating fresh out of NA Contenders and speed-running his way into your hearts and the Path to Pro, please join us in ...2019/04/05 10:16未分類
未分類 📝 👀 pic.twitter.com/xTUH7srPvt — Toronto Defiant (@TorontoDefiant) April 4, 2019 Stellarが引退を表明したトロント公式が戦力補強を示唆。 moving t...2019/04/04 13:01未分類
未分類 We are happy to announce that @Boostio_OW is joining Wave Check! Expect some heads to be clicked!🥇 pic.twitter.com/nrGmm...2019/04/04 12:41未分類
未分類 Everything in the South is deep fried and delicious, and now we are too!Welcome @frdwnr to your Atlanta Reign.#LetItReig...2019/04/04 12:23未分類
未分類 Today we announce the retirement of Do-hyung "Stellar" Lee. Thank you @dohyung6130 for what you brought to this team. We...2019/04/04 12:11未分類
未分類 Halo Of Thoughts: Report: How The Uprising & Valiant Trade Broke Down リークされていたボストン(Fusions、Asking)とヴァリアント(Fate、KSF)のトレード...2019/04/04 11:55未分類
未分類 Undisclosed Symmetra Teleporter D.Va Bomb combo Buff on the PTR from r/Competitiveoverwatch PTRでテレポーターと自爆のコンボを合わせるとカタパルト...2019/04/04 10:11未分類
未分類 I'll be going back home to PA today, I am excited to take streaming a little more seriously as well as improving myself ...2019/04/04 09:50未分類
未分類 We’re pleased to announce a new addition to the Fuel coaching staff! Welcome @baemoN to the team as our new Tank coach. ...2019/04/04 09:43未分類
未分類 Breaking News: We are pleased to announce that @FelxGG will be the new Head Coach of the Paris Eternal. We are excited f...2019/04/04 09:33未分類
未分類 made a lot of mistakes in my career, i've acknowledged them and have tried my absolute best to learn from them. i've mad...2019/04/04 01:20未分類