未分類 Breaking News: The meta is still goat.— Benjamin Chevasson (@uNKOE) April 3, 2019 一昨日記事にしたZPと同じこと言ってますね。現行パッチでもリーグではまだしば...2019/04/03 20:48未分類
未分類 Comprehensive List of Recent Trades, Signings, and Releases from r/Competitiveoverwatch OWLとコンテンダーズのシーズン途中での移籍状況をまとめたスレ。...2019/04/03 15:03未分類
未分類 It's @daemin1004! Please welcome the newest member to our team; bringing his experience from OWL to Australia. Watch...2019/04/03 14:55未分類
未分類 Dallas Fuel leaks by Jayne from r/Competitiveoverwatch Jayneによると、まだダラスで公になっていない何らかの変化がもうすぐあるそうです。コーチ自らのセルフリークということで現実味があ...2019/04/03 13:17未分類
未分類 We are happy to announce that @Higan_OW is joining Wave Check!It may be April 1st but we promise this is happening 🐐 pic...2019/04/03 12:42未分類
未分類 Breaking News: @baemoN is stepping down as Head Coach of the Paris Eternal. We thank him for his time with the team and ...2019/04/03 12:23未分類
未分類 Unfortunately today I must announce that I am stepping away from @XL2 academy due to burnout. I would like to thank @ada...2019/04/03 12:15未分類
未分類 Today we bid farewell to our Strategic Coach, @DonOverwatch. Dongwook helped us tremendously in our underdog run through...2019/04/03 12:11未分類
未分類 Please welcome our new Flex Tank - NotE! He joins us from the @BostonUprising in a trade for @rCk_ow. Both players will ...2019/04/03 11:51未分類
未分類 Fallen Transfers from Team CC to Cyclone Coupling from r/Competitiveoverwatch Team CCの🇨🇳Fallen(タンク)が同じ上海傘下のCyclone Coupl...2019/04/03 11:48未分類
未分類 Every kingdom needs a king and today marks the beginning of a new reign, welcome @KING_BABYBAY to your Atlanta Reign - E...2019/04/03 11:35未分類
未分類 We would like to say a big thank you to coach @ObasillOW for his help in building this team. We wish him well on his nex...2019/04/03 11:24未分類