未分類 Just watched a conga line of animals get escorted out of the Blizzard Arena. Morons out here taking this 'Year of th...2019/02/18 13:01未分類
未分類 Nous accueillons maintenant le célèbre joueur sur console @Tensa_The_Sage 🇺🇸 et le très flexible @YouMustHooey 🇧🇷! We no...2019/02/18 13:01未分類
未分類 Hero hours played pickrate lucio 18.63942804 89.25% dva 17.11448912 81.95% brigitte 16.87844064 80.82% zenyatta 16.79950...2019/02/18 06:29未分類
未分類 Accueillez nos premiers représentants pour la Ville de Montréal @ChayneOW 🇨🇦 et @GoliathOW 🇺🇸 Welcome our first represen...2019/02/17 14:59未分類
未分類 About Kuki starting today: he was asked to practice Lucio about 3 weeks ago, with the aim of introducing more flexibilit...2019/02/17 12:03未分類
未分類 Paris Eternal Support Kruise fired shots at rival OWL teams struggling to play GOATS, calling it the result of poor team...2019/02/17 09:51未分類
未分類 imagine theory crafting a cheese comp at 3 am when you just got knocked into losers bracket in beat and it somehow ends ...2019/02/17 09:35未分類