『OWCS KOREA ステージ2』観戦ガイド

Cursed Realms / カジュアル過ぎるNA鯖

先日のブリコンプレビューから記述が削除された”the all new set dungeons”。

中華系の情報サイトによると、この新しいダンジョンが”Cursed Realms”なんじゃなかろうかという話です。

Cursed Realms覚えてますか?パッチ2.2のデータ解析情報にあった謎のコンテンツです。


Cursed Realms



  • Explosive Wake
    • Explosive Wake – You drop Explosions behind you every 2 seconds! Don’t stop!(2秒ごとに背後に爆発物が落とされるので止まってはならない。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(このリアルムではスキルとギアの効果が機能しない。ヒールは制限される。ペットとフォロワーはいない。歩いてVials(瓶)を集めるか、さもなくばEthereal Grasp powerで一気に集めるか。)
  • Electrify
    • Permenant Conduit – Lightning strikes everything around you! Enemies explode in Molten death!(周囲に落雷が発生します。死んだエネミーはMoltenデスとなり爆発します。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(同上)
  • Arcane Death
    • Arcane Death – Nearby enemies die, creating dangerous arcane beams! Your Movement Speed progressively increases!(付近の敵が死ぬとアルケインビームが発生します。プレイヤーの移動スピードは次第にアップしていきます。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(同上)
  • Teleporter
    • Random Teleportation – You teleport up to 5 times times every 5 seconds!! Enemies cast Thunderstorm all around you!!(5秒ごとに最大5回テレポートできます。敵はThunderstormを至るところにキャストしてきます。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(同上)
  • SpeedUp
    • Random Speed – Your movement Speed changes randomly every 4 seconds!! Enemies cast Thunderstorm all around you!!(4秒ごとに移動スピードがランダムで変わります。敵はThunderstormを至るところにキャストしてきます。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(同上)
  • Totems
    • Spirit Totems – Spirit Totems explode when you are near!(Spirit Totemsに近づくと爆発します。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(同上)
  • Results
    • Cursed Realm Results – Final Reagent Total: You Collected: [VALUE] / You lost: [VALUE](最終的に集めた試薬瓶と失った数??)
  • Frozen Statues
    • Frozen Statues – Enemies are Frozen Statues. They explode into Frost Nova’s on approach!!(氷像になった敵に接近するとFrost Novaが炸裂します。)
    • For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.(同上)




Cursed Realms
  1. Zhadanchaoren ExplosiveWake {c_red} {/ c}
  2. You’ll put a bomb every two seconds behind!
  3. Do not stop!
  4. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  5. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  6. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  7. No pets and followers.
  8. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}
  9. Electrify {c_red} permanent conductor {/ c}
  10. Lightning surround around you!
  11. Death occurs when the enemy lava explode!
  12. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  13. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  14. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  15. No pets and followers.
  16. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}
  17. Arcane Death {c_red} Arcane death {/ c}
  18. Arcane generate dangerous enemies beam near death!
  19. Your speed will gradually increase!
  20. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  21. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  22. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  23. No pets and followers.
  24. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}
  25. Teleporter {c_red} random transmission {/ c}
  26. Once you transfer up to five times every five seconds!
  27. The enemy will cast thunderstorms around you!
  28. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  29. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  30. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  31. No pets and followers.
  32. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}
  33. SpeedUp {c_red} random velocity {/ c}
  34. Your movement speed random changes once every 4 seconds!
  35. The enemy will cast thunderstorms around you!
  36. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  37. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  38. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  39. No pets and followers.
  40. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}
  41. Totems {c_red} soul totem {/ c}
  42. Totem Soul will explode when you close!
  43. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  44. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  45. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  46. No pets and followers.
  47. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}
  48. Results {c_red} territory curse of results {/ c}
  49. Total final jade law: {c_white} {s1} {/ c}
  50. You collected: {c_white} {s2} {/ c}
  51. You lose: {c_white} {s3} {/ c}
  52. Frozen Statues {c_red} frost statue {/ c}
  53. Enemies are frost statue
  54. When approached, they will frost nova explosion!
  55. {C_green} applies to all of the territory curse {/ c}
  56. {C_white} your skills and equipment in the world does not work {/ c}
  57. Therapeutic effect is suppressed.
  58. No pets and followers.
  59. {C_white} passes potions can be picked up, or use a vanity grip skills all at once picked up. {/ C}

Copy the code

  1. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Cathedral Blasted
  2. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_ZoltRuins Blasted
  3. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Keep Blasted
  4. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Spire Blasted
  5. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Fortress Blasted
  6. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Spire_NoPacman Blasted
  7. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Catacombs Blasted
  8. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Catacombs_Frozen Blasted
  9. Habitat p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Ruins_Frost Blasted
  10. p2_HQ_CursedRealm_Sentry Devil turret
  11. p2_CursedRealm_CursedDungeonStone_TEST Dungeon Stone Curse

Copy the code

  1. p3_KCube_FirstCursedRealm {c_green} You found your first visit throughout the curse of the portal {/ c_green}
  2. According to legend, once the tower · La Chaux is the use of these planes to carry out his experiments.
  3. Planes can not enter a get rich rewards, the premise is that you should be able to survive ……
  4. Habitat p3_KCube_FirstCursedRealm_title Blasted
  5. p3_KCube_FirstCursedRealmEnter {c_green} You found your first visit throughout the curse of the portal {/ c_green}
  6. According to legend, once the tower · La Chaux is the use of these planes to carry out his experiments.
  7. Planes can not enter a get rich rewards, the premise is that you should be able to survive ……

Copy the code

この中華系サイトによると上記の記述からは、Cursed Realmsについて以下ようなアウトラインが浮かび上がってくるそうです。中国語>英語>日本語と跨いでいるのでトンチンカンな内容なってる可能性もありです。

(1) これは現行のゲームモードとは区別される新しいシステムで、リワードを得るためのタスクなども異なる。

(2) プレイヤーは計7つ(種類?)あるゾーンに送られる。それぞれのゾーンには特有の地形、モンスター、ゲームプレイが用意されている。

(3) Cursed Realmsではプレイヤーの装備、ペット、スキルが機能しなくなる(もしくは制限される?)。

(4) プレイヤーはこの呪われたエリアで生き残るために正しいゲームプレーが必要となる。

(5) このモードが終了した時にパフォーマンスに応じたリワードを受け取ることになる。

(6) Cuesed Realmsをプレーするためには”key items”が必要となり、これにはKanai’s Cubeを利用することになる。

2.2データ解析時にCursed Realmsの記述について書きましたが、おそらくは装備やスキルが制限された、一定の条件下でエリアをクリアしていくミッション評価形式のモードになるのかもしれません。



そう言い放ったのはD3 Botの伝道師Absidien。

以下は”Big Brother of Chirs”ことGabynatorとのチャットログです。










