『OWCS Asia Championship』出場全8チーム紹介



Jjonak: Jjomullak nakji = Squishy Octopus(Squishy = ぐにゃぐにゃ、優柔不断とタコ)

Haksal: Massacre(= 大虐殺、大敗)

ANS: Ansan Sniper; Ansan-si = a region in Korea(安山市のスナイパー)

Alarm: His name is Gyung-Bo, which means alarm in Korean(本名のGyung-Bo = alram)

Anamo: Amudo Naleul Moleulgut; means “no one will know/recognise me”(韓国語で「誰も私を知らない」の略)

Mano: Gumgua Mabub-eui Nolae (The song of sword and magic); his favourite novel(小説『剣と魔法のファンタジア』タイトルからの引用)

IM37: McCree age is 37. His favourite hero is McCree(メインヒーローのマクリーの年齢)

Slime: Reference to the slime in Maple-Story(sidescroller RPG), because he liked its bouncy movement and reminded him of Lucio(『メイプルストーリー』に出てくるスライムがルシオの動きに似ているから)

Rascal: a fan of the Korean indie singer duo, the Akdong Musicians (Akdong translates to Rascal)(韓国の人気歌手2人組名を英訳するとRascal)

Fits: Back when he switched position to DPS, the name of the person who taught him was Fits; basically taking in his master’s name(DPSにロール変更した当時の師匠の名前)

Creative: Minecraft Creative Mode(マイクラのクリエイティブモードから)

Sp9rk1e: Theme song of the anime “Your Name”(アニメ『君の名は』の主題歌『スパークル』)

Glister: name of a toothpaste brand lol(歯磨き粉の商品名)

Fleta: Initially used his real name, but when he had to find an English tag, he found out no one used Fleta.(本名から誰も使っていないFletaに改名)

Gamsu: The name of a plant called Gae-Gamsu(植物の名前)

Esca: his old clan name(過去に所属していたクランの名前)

Bumper: His name (Bak Sang-Bum) + His favourite hero when he started playing Overwatch (Reaper)(本名と初心者時代に気に入っていたリーパーを融合)

Myunb0ng: myunbong means cotton swab in Korean. There was a cotton swab in front of him when he was creating his tag.(韓国語で綿棒、ID作成時に目の前にあったから)

Birdring: Reference to Seagull, his favourite player/streamer(当時のヒーローだったSeagull(= カモメ)にちなんだもの)

Tobi: Reference to teletubbies (teletobi in Korea-released version) also the name of one of his old teams in Special Forces 2(『テレタビーズ』の韓国語版、『スペシャルフォース2』時代のチーム名)

Hotba: He was eating a hotba(corn dog) when he was creating his tag(ID作成時アメリカンドッグ(= hotba)を食べていたから)

Saebyeolbe: Saebyukae naelineun byeolbe; means morning starry rain(韓国語で「星降る朝」を短縮)

この他にもGeguriはカエル、Jjanggはクレヨンしんちゃん (しんちゃん ”Shin Jjang-gu”)、Valentineは2/14が誕生日、Gaebullssiは”Mr Penis Fish”、CarpeとDiemの2人には有名なエピソードがあります。
