本日、7月11日付けのオーバーウォッチ2 PVPベータパッチノートがリリースされました。
Overwatch Patch Notes
Read the latest Overwatch patch notes or research historical changes to the game
New OW2 Beta patch live! https://t.co/VKq6filhDv.
We’re also working to deploy balance changes for several more heroes with a hotfix as early as tomorrow, but as we continue to test this rapid patching tech for OW2, we are not yet fully certain about that follow-up patch.
— Jon Spector (@Spex_J) July 11, 2022
Overwatch 2 Beta Patch Notes – July 11th, 2022
- The final hit that would deplete a Hero’s Armor Pool is now dynamically reduced(アーマーを削りきった最後の一撃が動的に軽減されるようになった)
- For example: Previously if a hero had 1 armor remaining and took 100 incoming damage, that would instead be reduced to 70 damage due to armor. Now, in the same scenario, that hero will take 99 damage(例:100ダメージを受けた場合、これまでアーマーが1でも残っていれば70ダメージまで軽減することができたが、この変更により、同様のケースでは被ダメージは99となる)
Guardian Angel
- Mercy is no longer automatically launched upward when she reaches her destination(ガーディアンエンジェルの目標到達時に自動的に垂直ジャンプすることはなくなった)
- The ability now has a meter that charges up while Guardian Angel is active(ガーディアンエンジェル起動中にゲージが溜まるメーターを追加)
- Canceling the ability with Jump now launches Mercy in the direction she is facing(ジャンプすることでこの溜めを解除するとマーシーが向いている方向に飛び立つ)
- The more charge she has, the more launch speed she’ll have when canceling Guardian Angel with Jump(メーターを溜めるほど勢いをつけて飛ぶことができる)
- Holding the backward directional input and canceling Guardian Angel launches Mercy in the opposite direction(進行方向と逆にキーを入れることで反対方向に飛ぶことができる)
🎥 More Footage:
Mercy can boost away from her target by holding the ‘Move Backwards’ key and cancelling GA. This will launch her back at the speed determined by the charge around the crosshair. pic.twitter.com/9ls8I7JsdY
— Overwatch Cavalry 🇬🇧 (@OverwatchCaval) July 11, 2022
Necrotic Orb
- New ability, temporarily named “Enfeebling Orb” in-game(新たなアビリティ、ゲーム内では暫定的に“Enfeebling Orb”という名前になっている)
- Replaces Damage Biotic Orb, with a separate cooldown of 16 seconds(ダメージオーブに代わるもので、クールダウンは別途16秒となる)
- Fires a straight moving projectile that explodes in a 3-meter radius on impact of an enemy or environment(直進するプロジェクタイルを撃ち、敵かオブジェクトに当たると3メートルの爆発が発生)
- Deals 40 impact damage and 10 explosion damage(直撃は40ダメージ、範囲ダメージは10)
- Enemies affected by Necrotic Orb’s explosion receive the “Weakened” effect, reducing all damage dealt by 75% for 4 seconds(ネクロティックオーブを被弾した敵は「弱体化」効果が発生し、4秒間与ダメージが75%減少する)
🎮 Here’s some gameplay of Moira’s new ‘Necrotic Orb’ Ability!
This orb inflicts the new “Weakened” effect, which reduces all damage by 75% for 4 secs. It explodes on impact with an enemy or the environment.
📰 Full Patch Notes: https://t.co/R7wbTg1MPj pic.twitter.com/AkKDAJBFDT
— Overwatch Cavalry 🇬🇧 (@OverwatchCaval) July 11, 2022
Moira’s new orb makes it so she can survive pretty much anything from
Biotic Orb
- Damage Orb has been replaced by a new ability “Necrotic Orb”(ダメージオーブは新アビリティのネクロティックオーブに置き換わる)
- Each orb has its own separate cooldown(黒黄オーブはそれぞれクールダウンが別々となる)
- Healing Orb capacity decreased from 300 to 250(回復オーブの最大回復量が300から250に減少)
- Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds(クールダウンが8秒から10秒に増加)
Biotic Grasp
- Self-healing decreased from 24 to 20 per second(自己回復量が毎秒24から20に減少)
- Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds(クールダウンが6秒から7秒に増加)
- Fixed a bug where the “Joined Chat Channel” sound would play whenever there was a change in the chat box(チャットボックスに変化がある度に通知音が鳴っていた不具合を修正)
Junker Queen
- Fixed a bug where Jagged Blade was pulling enemies further than intended(ギザギザナイフの引き寄せ距離が意図したよりも長い不具合を修正)
- Fixed a bug where secondary fire was travelling through Mei’s Ice Wall(回復グレネードがメイのアイスウォールを貫通できた不具合を修正)