OverwatchチャージがKrystalとの契約について声明 Clarifications from Charge:- GZC signed Krystal as FA so no conflict with HZS contract- GZC’s contract with Krystal is i...2020/07/15 09:57Overwatch
Overwatchトロントが大型esportsアリーナ建設を計画 The owners of the @TorontoDefiant, @TorontoUltra, and @MADLions_LoLEN will be building a 7,000- to 10,000-seat arena in ...2020/07/15 09:42Overwatch
Overwatchエコーのコピーがアンチ状態であることを視認できないバグについてBillからコメント Comment from discussion PSA: Echo's health bar does not show anti nade effect during ult. マーシーとゼニヤッタ以外のプレイヤーからは、エコー...2020/07/15 09:29Overwatch
Overwatchジェフがクラシックモード実装を検討していたことを明らかに Jeff was asked about the possibility of a "Classic Overwatch" card/playlist, jeff explains why it's something they t...2020/07/15 09:18Overwatch
Overwatchマクリーの縄スプレーが削除 With the new patch they have changed McCrees "Noose" spray to this "BAD LUCK" spray from r/Overwatch 今日のパッチにより投げ縄を模したマクリ...2020/07/15 08:51Overwatch
Overwatch元パリのHypが名門NiPのValorantロスターに加入 So happy and excited for the future ☺️ Thanks to @NiPGaming for believing in us 🙏 ! Can't wait to kick some ass 💪 Hy...2020/07/15 04:29Overwatch
Overwatch追記:ジェフ「現在新たな2つのエクスペリメンタルカードが同時進行中」 Comment from discussion When can we expect another Experimental Card?. redditにポストされたジェフのコメントから。 現在新たな2つのエクスペリメンタルカードが同時進...2020/07/15 03:47Overwatch
Overwatch追記:OVERWATCH RETAIL PATCH NOTES – JULY 14, 2020 Overwatch Retail Patch Notes - July 14, 2020 SIGMA’S MAESTRO CHALLENGE シグマのマエストロチャレンジ(Twitch Dropsあり)、戦績ページの変更、バグ修正のみで、ヒ...2020/07/15 03:46Overwatch
Overwatch追記:スパークがKrystalに約200万ドルの損害賠償請求 Official: On June 15, Bilibili Esports filed a request for arbitration at the China International Economic and Trade Arb...2020/07/14 22:01Overwatch
Overwatch元上海のDaeminがEMのコーチに就任 Daemin 김대민 코치님이 OW팀에 합류하게 되었습니다!"코치의 첫걸음을 함께하게 되어 영광입니다. 이제는 선수가 아닌, 코치로써 선수들과 함께 고민하고 성장하는 모습을 보여드리도록 하겠습니다."앞으로 많은 응원과...2020/07/14 20:03Overwatch
Overwatchチャージが元スパークのKrystalと2way契約 We’d like to welcome Krystal to the team as a two-way player. This talented player previously played for @HangzhouSpark,...2020/07/14 14:41Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(7/14) Junkrats have the biggest brains from r/Overwatch 跳弾距離を完璧に計算したジャンクのグレネードとアンラッキーなホッグ。 I combined Orisa and Moira's Orbs t...2020/07/14 09:57Overwatch