OverwatchボストンアカデミーのSpiloコーチが退団 Uprising Academy and @Coach_Spilo are parting ways ahead of August's Trials.From general manager @Andrewkendo: You&#...2020/07/17 10:39Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(7/17) Now Overwatch 2 Brigitte and Reinhardt Barrier Shield Some scenes can be reproduced in Overwatch 1.🛡️Code: K3EDA (by.jay...2020/07/17 10:26Overwatch
OverwatchOverbuff風のOWLスタッツサイト「DashReset」が始動 I built an Overbuff for Overwatch League stats (link in comments) from r/Competitiveoverwatch reddit有志が作り上げたOWL版Overbuff...2020/07/17 10:13Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画⑩(7/16) Using the new PTR Workshop, I gave Moira a new passive: Life Reserves from r/Competitiveoverwatch WS職人がPTRで作成した自らのヘルスを犠牲...2020/07/16 22:00Overwatch
OverwatchFCTFCTNとGodsがコンテンダーズNAチームのコーチに就任 Welcome to the team! #ZzzPlayers:🛡️ @Doge_OW🛡️ @cowman711⚔️@TracK_OW⚔️@sammmsux💉@mozser3💉@k4rrotzStaff:🧠@gods_live🧠@FCTF...2020/07/16 12:33Overwatch
OverwatchトロントがTalon EsportsのSpazzoコーチをアシスタントに起用 Spazzo (Ex-Talon HC) joins Toronto Defiant as Assistant Coach from r/Competitiveoverwatch トロント・デフィアントがコンテンダーズPACチャンピオンのT...2020/07/16 12:22Overwatch
OverwatchActivision BlizzardがOWLとCDLの参入費用支払い期限猶予を検討 Activation Blizzard is in talks with @CODLeague and @overwatchleague teams about providing some form of financial relief...2020/07/16 12:14Overwatch
OverwatchNooseスプレー削除の背景 Overwatch update removes McCree's noose spray: pic.twitter.com/uVSkQxF6wd— Kotaku (@Kotaku) July 15, 2020 昨日のアップデートで...2020/07/16 08:53Overwatch
OverwatchOVERWATCH PTR PATCH NOTES – JULY 15, 2020 Overwatch PTR Patch Notes - July 15, 2020 GENERAL UPDATES New Feature: Priority Requeue for Backfilled Games クイックマッチなどで途...2020/07/16 08:00Overwatch
OverwatchOWLが今季ポストシーズンの開催形式とスケジュールを発表 It all comes down to THIS 👀 The final sprint for the #OWL2020 trophy starts September 3rd, only on 🏆 For the full detail...2020/07/16 07:35Overwatch
OverwatchヒューストンがSpree退団を発表 Thank you @Spree for being with the Houston Outlaws and our fans since the beginning. We wish you nothing but luck and h...2020/07/16 06:57Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(7/15) Sigma's new emote has a cool interaction with Lucio speed boost from r/Overwatch シグマの新エモートはルシオのスピードブーストで曲のピッチが変化するという小ネタ...2020/07/15 20:59Overwatch