Overwatch本日のViol2t Viol2t’s stats vs the Mayhem from r/Competitiveoverwatch 今日のMay Melee NA決勝フロリダ戦でMoMに選ばれたViol2tのスタッツ。 特筆すべきはヒール/10分で、Stat...2020/05/25 10:59Overwatch
OverwatchCrustyショック Crusty is hands down the best coach in the OWL. from r/Competitiveoverwatch May Melee NAを制したサンフランシスコはCrusty政権発足以降、6回あったプ...2020/05/25 10:52Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画③(5/25) Doomfist emote trick on junkertown credit: Rufinian from r/Overwatch 前記事でも紹介したけど、この人はランクマッチ中にドゥームの壁登りエモートを実行。案外簡単にできるらしい...2020/05/25 07:07Overwatch
Overwatch今月のGargoyle Gargoyle’s outstanding Sigma stats in the May Melee from r/Competitiveoverwatch May Melee NAで好調フロリダのGargoyleシグマのスタッツ。主要ス...2020/05/25 06:59Overwatch
OverwatchソロQのないValorantにご立腹のDafran、OW復帰の可能性も?? I am extremely dissapointed in the Valorant ranked system. What to do after grinding to Valorant? No solo/duo Q? Honestl...2020/05/25 06:42Overwatch
Overwatch珍しくOWLを褒めるSlasher Overwatch at the highest level is an incredible competitive game and the Overwatch League continues to showcase that— Ro...2020/05/25 06:30Overwatch
OverwatchThird Impactが今季2度目の優勝 We did the stomping this time. With a clean 3-0 sweep, we are the Contenders Week 4 CHAMPIONS! GGs @TeamDogeOW #PrepareF...2020/05/25 06:12Overwatch
Overwatchドゥームフィストのエモートに隠された秘技 Crazy Doomfist emote Roll-out on Junkertown from r/Overwatch ドゥームフィストのエモートにとんでもないパルクール(といっていいのかわからないが)が発見された模様。見ればわかります。...2020/05/25 00:01Overwatch
OverwatchWolfのKreygasm Fleta wins a tournament against his old team, another one he never found success with. Void defeats Tobi, the last basti...2020/05/24 23:52Overwatch
OverwatchMay Melee APAC | Day 2 Patch 1.47 They've done it! The @ShanghaiDragons pull off the 7 map reverse sweep against the @SeoulDynasty and win the ...2020/05/24 23:34Overwatch
OverwatchMay Melee NA | Day 2 Patch 1.47 6 maps later, our semifinals are set! The @LAValiant defeat the @ParisEternal in an incredible series to secu...2020/05/24 23:33Overwatch
OverwatchOWL史上最高のクラッチプレー Fleta's clutchest widow switch from r/Competitiveoverwatch 現在熱戦が繰り広げられているMay Melee APAC決勝ソウル対上海戦でFletaウィドウが最終ポイントで魅せた4連続...2020/05/24 22:57Overwatch