OverwatchOverwatch MOBA Here's /u/jprosk's MOBA style character control using a workshop made cursor. There is a HUGE amount of unseen talent in...2020/05/22 15:05Overwatch
Overwatch一人GOATS With the new PTR "Attach Player" function, we can now play 1v1 GOATs. Code: 9MGGG from r/Competitiveoverwatch 今日のPTRで追加さ...2020/05/22 12:48Overwatch
OverwatchOVERWATCH PTR PATCH NOTES – MAY 21, 2020 Overwatch PTR Patch Notes - May 21, 2020 ワークショップ関連と不具合修正のみのPTRパッチ。 BUG FIXES Heroes Fixed a bug where Sombra could somet...2020/05/22 06:58Overwatch
OverwatchOWLフラグムービーコンテスト You've seen our frag videos, now let's see yours 🙌Starting this Monday we invite all of you talented creators to...2020/05/22 06:06Overwatch
Overwatch追記2:OWへの愛情を失ったと語るJehong、RA対LHのショーマッチには出場の意向 ryujehong on Mirage's stream (he says he's considering doing the 5/31 event match) "Honestly I had no intention of doing...2020/05/22 00:37Overwatch
Overwatchボストンが新たなMT加入を発表 The Uprising just caught some local New England talent.From Stonington, CT, please welcome @mikeyy_ow to #BostonUp!📰: Bo...2020/05/21 23:54Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画③(5/21) 先日のMothを彷彿とさせるFroggerの華麗なるストップ&ブープ。 The got deleted window+bongo+mercy boost and sigma ult from r/Overwatch CS版のクリップからフル...2020/05/21 18:10Overwatch
Overwatchソンブラのロケーターを使った新テクニック? Not sure if anyone knows about this impractical tech. You can actually animation cancel melee to translocator, and it wo...2020/05/21 14:26Overwatch
Overwatch元ヴァリアントのSilkthreadがUCバークレー大学院に入学 officially a normie now, accepted to berkeley :)go bears! pic.twitter.com/fRN21otNFT— silkthread (@silkthread) May 20, 2...2020/05/21 10:10Overwatch
OverwatchFdgodとブリギッテ You are actually a brig god pic.twitter.com/RQjUz76C6c— AVALLA 아바라 (@avalla_ow) May 20, 2020 ブリギッテをとても楽しくOTPできたというルシオの名手...2020/05/21 09:42Overwatch
Overwatch公式トロール 100 replies and we’ll make Jeff Kaplan the next hero. — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) 2020年5月20日 公式アカウントが「100リプで新ヒーローのジェフを作...2020/05/21 09:14Overwatch
OverwatchOVERWATCH RETAIL PATCH NOTES – MAY 20, 2020 Overwatch Patch Notes 変更された項目は一つだけでリペアパックの不具合修正というか仕様変更。 BUG FIXES Heroes Brigitte Brigitte’s Repair Packs no longer rem...2020/05/21 08:34Overwatch