OverwatchJawsとHexagramsがOWL新シーズンの実況を担当 I extremely excited to annouce that I will be casting the @overwatchleague 2020 season alongside @hexagrams. It has been...2020/01/24 09:35Overwatch
Overwatch来週のDEVELOPER UPDATEについてDafran Former pro @dafran claims #Overwatch is getting a map editor in next developer update 🤔He could be trolling though 😂 Ove...2020/01/24 09:33Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(1/24) New MCCREE DEADEYE doesn't lock your camera anymore so you can make full 180-360 degree turns as long as you have sk...2020/01/24 09:13Overwatch
OverwatchOverwatch PTR Patch Notes – January 23, 2020 Overwatch PTR // - Patch Notes HERO UPDATES Hanzo Storm Arrows Damage reduced from 70 to 60 (ストームアローのダメージ...2020/01/24 08:41Overwatch
OverwatchOverwatch Retail Patch Notes – January 23, 2020(バグ修正パッチ) Overwatch // - Patch Notes ゲンジのダッシュなどで発生するラバーバンド現象、リスポーンエリアの出入り口の不具合、“Year of the Rat”のスプレーがイベントボックスに含まれて...2020/01/24 07:00Overwatch
OverwatchCustaがまたもや情報漏洩 Custa, the King of Leaks, confirms talent lineup and possible LA broadcast location from r/OverwatchTMZ リークの帝王ことCustaが配信...2020/01/23 22:49Overwatch
OverwatchNA/EU/KRで5000アカウント以上がBAN Very happy to say that all that fighting finally got the biggest Tier 1 Aimbot finally detected This makes me incredibly...2020/01/23 22:45Overwatch
OverwatchOWLのメタ構成についてフロリダGM Prediction for the start of this OWL Season's meta: Teams will play pretty similar compositions, there's a healt...2020/01/23 22:44Overwatch
OverwatchPuckettさんがNYXL開幕ホームスタンドのホストを担当 And it just keeps getting better. We are happy to announce @MLGPuckett as MC for our inaugural Homestands. #EverUpwardGr...2020/01/23 22:43Overwatch
OverwatchRichard LewisのOWLリポート Behind the scenes at the #OverwatchLeague: Esports' biggest gamble (part two). Latest from @RLewisReports ⬇️ — DEXERTO.C...2020/01/23 22:42Overwatch
OverwatchMonteとSemmlerがCS:GO Leagueに移籍 A new CS:GO League. Coming March 2020.🎙️ @OnFireSemmler 🎙️ @MosesGG 🎙️ @jamesbardolph 🎙️ @ddkesports 🎙️ @OnFireAnders 🎙️...2020/01/23 14:53Overwatch