OverwatchESPNのWolfがOWL批評動画に対する反応に反論 Here's some context, given some recent backlash on my thoughts on Overwatch League and the precarious position they're i...2020/01/21 18:47Overwatch
OverwatchAmengボールの記録 wait the Ameng stat is actually crazier than I thought...... he’s #1 in final blows in a match ever as a wrecking ball w...2020/01/21 17:19Overwatch
Overwatch新型コロナウィルス 中国で感染が拡大しつつある「新型コロナウィルス」について、時期尚早かもしれないが、Blizzard、OWL、チケット購入者はプランBを今のうちから計画しておいたほうがよいのではないかとする警告。 2003年にSARSが猛威を奮ったときは、中...2020/01/21 17:15Overwatch
OverwatchTairongの賞金未払い問題についてFlame I've asked immortals for your pay stubs (+mine) 4 times and still haven't gotten em. As much as anyone with the ...2020/01/21 16:53Overwatch
OverwatchヒーローBANについてSOE I've been reading a lot of interesting takes on hero bans in Overwatch. Good arguments to be made for both camps. My...2020/01/21 16:51Overwatch
Overwatch元ヒューストンのヘッドコーチが賞金未払いを訴える 휴스턴 아웃로즈는 스테3 플옵때 상금은 청산해주던가 지속적인 요청을 해도 답을 한번도 해주지 않네, 이게 2년간 일한거에 대한 보답인가?— TaiRong (@TaiRongOW) 2020年1月20日 昨年までヒューストン...2020/01/21 06:01Overwatch
Overwatch1.44の観戦モード新UI Hey guys!! New Spectator UI changes in 1.44!!!- Who is being nano'ed is shown (with a blue pulsing box around the HP...2020/01/21 05:55Overwatch
Overwatch近日中にヒーローBANを導入?Metroが示唆 Take this with a grain of salt, it's a source different from the Blizzcon leaks. I do know they are workign on hero bans...2020/01/21 05:49Overwatch
Overwatch今後数週間以内に何らかの公式発表あり #Overwatch streamer Emongg teased some upcoming announcements that will "improve" the game 🤔 Overwatch.TXT (@OverwatchTX...2020/01/20 21:28Overwatch
Overwatch[追記] 上海のDiemが約1ヶ月の静養 Diem from @ShanghaiDragons is currently receiving medical treatment in Korea. He is in stable condition and has gotten p...2020/01/20 17:39Overwatch
OverwatchMonteがC9とコンテンツクリエイター契約 Jokes aside, what this means is that I will be making content my way with @Cloud9.I will also be partnering with them on...2020/01/20 10:53Overwatch
Overwatchオープンディビジョンでの一コマ OD is going pretty good so far, how about you? from r/Competitiveoverwatch さっそくこれを参考にランクマッチで使い出すチームも出現。2020/01/20 09:22Overwatch