Overwatchオーストラリア森林火災チャリティスキンはノープラン It would be but in game skins aren’t planned, designed, tested, and implemented that quickly in any quality dev cycle......2020/01/18 17:04Overwatch
Overwatchキルカメラのオプションを設定可能に The New Snap to Killer Death Thing 先日のアップデートで導入されたキルカメラの仕様変更が一部で不評らしく、この“Snap Death Camera to Killer”のトグル設定を近日中のアップデートで用...2020/01/18 10:14Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(1/18) RCK The Reinhardt Main - European Contenders Seeding Tournament 2020 from r/Competitiveoverwatch コンテンダーズEUシード決定戦でHSLに加入し...2020/01/18 09:16Overwatch
OverwatchOWPDが前言を撤回 I have deleted the twitlong and won't be releasing the cheat source, We understand that blizzard will never have an anti...2020/01/18 09:01Overwatch
Overwatchデスク陣によるOWLパワーランキング Here are Plat Chat's initial power rankings for the 2020 Overwatch League season from r/Competitiveoverwatch Sideshow、Cu...2020/01/18 08:32Overwatch
OverwatchOWLが昨年最も視聴時間の多かったesportsチャンネルに The most popular esports leagues of 2019 by Hours Watched:#1 - @overwatchleague #2 - #LCK#3 - @LEC#4 - @LCSOfficial#5 - ...2020/01/17 22:24Overwatch
OverwatchOWLタレント陣のペイカットに関するリポート Report: Overwatch League wanted talent to take a pay cut for 2020 Homestand season.Latest from @RLewisReports ⬇️ DEXERTO...2020/01/17 17:24Overwatch
Overwatchチート自警団が暴走 Overwatch hacking watchdog threatens to release cheat source code | Dexerto.com チート自警団を自負するOWPDの責任者、GamerDogがBlizzardのチー...2020/01/17 17:23Overwatch
OverwatchMonte、OWLコミッショナーは嘘つき So now Pete Vlastelica is just lying.All the casters who left OWL had been asked to return to the League, so it wasn’t “...2020/01/17 17:22Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画⑦(1/17) Play autochess in overwatch (Not mine) Code: 8NCCF from r/Overwatch オートチェスのワークショップ。ポストしたユーザーは開発者とは無関係らしく詳しいことはよく分からず。コード...2020/01/17 13:35Overwatch
OverwatchダラスがCloserとの再契約を発表 As we get ‘closer’ to #OWL2020, let’s up the tempo. 👆🟢Please welcome back @closer to the Fuel roster! Pump up the volume...2020/01/17 13:09Overwatch
Overwatch来週中にバグ修正パッチを配信 A bug with the Genji dash in the new patch? from r/Overwatch New bad bug in Junkertown from r/Overwatch パッチ後にゲンジのダッシュにラバ...2020/01/17 09:59Overwatch