Overwatchリーク情報に釘を刺すBenchmob"I normally wouldn't QT ridic leak accounts but when it starts getting posted everywhere and "confirms" my players are s...2020/11/12 08:56Overwatch
Overwatchヴァリアントの親会社がチーム売却を検討 ロサンゼルス・ヴァリアントを所有するImmortals Gaming Clubがチーム売却を模索しているというブルームバーグの記事。 IGCは先週投資グループから2600万ドルの資金調達を発表しているが、一方で既に所有しているCDLのロサン...2020/11/12 08:05Overwatch
OverwatchフィラデルフィアがSado、Fury、Ivyの3選手退団を発表 One of the friendliest players on Fusion, one of the most ferocious Main Tanks in OWL.We've made so many memories wi...2020/11/12 07:08Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画④(11/11) あまりにも速すぎるネクロスさんの高速竜神剣定期。 Be careful, sharks have a strong allergy to ice walls from r/Overwatch 前にも紹介した気がするブリザードワールドのサメに...2020/11/11 19:06Overwatch
Overwatchハンターズがアカデミー結成を発表 Hi! We’re glad to announce the birth of Team Chaser, the academy team of Chengdu Hunters!"Nice to meet you! We're Ch...2020/11/11 18:24Overwatch
Overwatch追記:本日の移籍ゴシップ⑧(11/11) According to Diya's personal Weibo, he is not expected to be signed by OWL teams. 'I am sorry to let you down', as he sa...2020/11/11 17:55Overwatch
OverwatchGM帯タンクの近況 I think 80% of the tank players just dont play the game anymore because winston, reinhardt, zarya are not even remotely ...2020/11/11 15:44Overwatch
Overwatch前タイタンズのCarcarが引退 I've enjoyed playing the past couple of years, but OWL was something entirely different from what I expected. On top of ...2020/11/11 15:34Overwatch
OverwatchチャージがKariv獲得を発表 ⚡️Ready to see who will join our team in 2021?⚡️The first lightning strikes, formidable flex support power charging up. ...2020/11/11 12:14Overwatch
Overwatchグラディエーターズが新契約を示唆 Maybe our next signing should be someone who can help out @SPACEOW with his beats 🤔🎶: pic.twitter.com/7AIxaZGXUL— Los An...2020/11/11 12:00Overwatch
OverwatchダラスがJecse加入を発表 Route #6:📍@ElementMystic | | __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 📍@SeoulDynasty __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ||| __ __ __ __ __ __ __📍@Outlaws ...2020/11/11 09:01Overwatch
Overwatchパワークリープの推移を可視化 A (flawed) look at Power Creep in Overwatch from r/Competitiveoverwatch 有志redditorによるこれまでのパワークリープの推移を可視化したグラフ。データの算出方法は以...2020/11/11 09:00Overwatch