OverwatchTalespinがValorant部門のGMに就任 My Overwatch career and my future in ValorantRead: Ronnie (@EnVy_Talespin) August 31, 2020 Team Envyのアカデミーでコーチを担当していたTal...2020/09/01 07:11Overwatch
Overwatch闇落ちメイ New Death Knight Mei skin in HotS! from r/Overwatch HotSでリリースされた悪そうなメイの"Death Knight"スキン。2020/09/01 06:47Overwatch
OverwatchUberが来月13日にフリーランスに As of Oct 13th, I will be operating as a freelancer. I'm open to all opportunities as a play-by-play commentator and...2020/09/01 06:44Overwatch
OverwatchFrogger効果 Australia contenders at nearly 2k viewers (Sorry about poor image quality) from r/Competitiveoverwatch コンテンダーズAUの視聴者が~20...2020/09/01 06:27Overwatch
Overwatch未知のメタを示唆するチャージのNero It's gonna be fun to watch zz— GZ Happy (@owhappy2) August 31, 2020 APACのプレーオフメタは未だ見ぬ構成であることを匂わせるNeroのツィート。 Happyの反応...2020/09/01 06:06Overwatch
Overwatch去年のあの人 For the people who are still watching gamescom after 3 days with nothing happening. Metro (@Metro_OW) August 29, 2020 昨年...2020/09/01 05:53Overwatch
OverwatchOVERWATCH RETAIL PATCH NOTES – AUGUST 31, 2020 Overwatch Retail Patch Notes - August 31, 2020 直近のエクペリンメンタルカードのバランス調整が過不足なくそのまま反映されている。 General Armor Beam-type damage r...2020/09/01 05:38Overwatch
OverwatchSpace崩壊 SPACE can’t find the energy to play ranked. from r/Competitiveoverwatch ランクマッチを配信中に自分ではもっとハードにプレーしたいけど今はそれだけの気力がないと半泣き?で...2020/08/31 18:22Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(8/31) SINATRAA INSANE ACE CLUTCH VS ENVY from r/ValorantCompetitive NAイグニッションシリーズのPop Flash決勝Sentinels対Envy戦でSinatraaソーヴァがUltの...2020/08/31 10:22OverwatchValorant
OverwatchDogmanのウィドウ弱体化案 Bro I just thought of the best Widow nerf. Change her HP from 200 to 150. Make her more of a glass cannon since she'...2020/08/31 06:07Overwatch
Overwatch1Kクラブ With the full regular season behind us, we can finally honor a select group of individuals: the 1,000 Final Blow Club@yu...2020/08/31 04:58Overwatch
OverwatchSoonインタビューまとめ Soon talks about the playoffs and retrospects on the season with Zaroide - English Transcript Below. from r/Competitiveo...2020/08/31 04:45Overwatch