OverwatchOWLヒーロープールの抽選方法が変更 Weighted hero pools confirmed on Watchpoint from r/Competitiveoverwatch OWLヒーロープールの抽選方式変更が明らかに。 これまで2週間以内の使用率10%~のヒーローが一...2020/03/16 06:26Overwatch
OverwatchOWLの再スケジュールが発表 Overwatch League Returns 03/21 from r/Competitiveoverwatch 3/21からオンラインでの再開が発表されたOWLの試合スケジュール。 現地3/21-22はパシフィックのサンフランシスコ、...2020/03/16 06:17Overwatch
Overwatch上海がマスコットを発表 Here it is, our official mascot going forward! We'll let you vote on a name shortly, but we suspect there will be a ...2020/03/16 00:41Overwatch
Overwatch停電を乗り越え優勝したロンドンアカデミー The British @Hurricane pulled through a reverse sweep against @SMC_EU to win the Overwatch Contenders EU Week 1 Finals, ...2020/03/15 15:31Overwatch
Overwatchチーターデータベース We have created a database of all btags we found that are cheating and also ones that have been banned each btag has vid...2020/03/15 13:46Overwatch
OverwatchヒーローBANについてEmongg OR simply randomized hero bans for each game!The current bans certainly couldn’t possibly more random so might as well m...2020/03/15 10:32Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(3/15) ヒーロープール導入によりOWLで活躍の場を得ることができたオフメタヒーローの特集。 General tip: Hold down the space bar at the end of Rein's charge for extra dis...2020/03/15 08:27Overwatch
OverwatchソルジャーのUltの問題点と改善案 Soldier's Ultimate should behave like Torb's turret. from r/Competitiveoverwatch ソルジャーのUltの問題点とその改善方法を指摘したユーザーのなかなか的を得た秀...2020/03/15 08:02Overwatch
OverwatchATL AcademyがHaku選手の退団を発表 We have decided to part ways with our player @HaKuOW. This is the best decision for both parties involved, and we him th...2020/03/15 03:51Overwatch
Overwatch追記:Phazの主張に対するHaku選手の回答 My Response Read: — HaKu (@HaKuOW) March 14, 2020 Phazの主張に対してHaku選手がTwitLongerで今回の件について説明していたのでそのまとめ。 ※いくつか誤解を生む表現があったので...2020/03/14 13:20Overwatch
Overwatch元Phase 2の選手がHaku選手らから嫌がらせを受けたと主張 After a week of dealing with harassment and trying to deal with it behind the scenes I feel like I need to speak out: @ ...2020/03/14 12:08Overwatch
OverwatchBlizzardがテレワークを実施 To protect the health and safety of our employees, we are implementing work-from-home policies for our Irvine and Austin...2020/03/14 10:06Overwatch