Overwatch追記:RedshellがNAサポートラダーの1位/2位を達成 Redshell hits rank 1 and 2 from r/OverwatchTMZ ルシオメインとして知られるRedshellがNAサポートラダーで1位と2位を達成した模様。 Before I go, im just here t...2020/10/05 17:48Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画(10/5) I have won, but at what cost? from r/Overwatch 一か八かコーチガンで決死のロールアウトから2キルを奪うも最後はそのコーチガンが裏目に。 つい先日エコーメインでSR4700を達成したDantehが...2020/10/05 17:15Overwatch
OverwatchOverwatch 2020 ACE Championship | Final Stage | Day 2 English: Thai:2020/10/04 17:43Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画/画像⑥(10/4) Loudest sound on earth from r/Overwatch 地球上で最もうるさい騒音がこのXQCとM0xyyのかつてのデュオ。 Thank you u/Whatupboi6 for the screenshot from...2020/10/04 13:12Overwatch
OverwatchOWL初代COTYは上海のMoonコーチが受賞 Great leadership is like always having Nano Boost up. 💉 Your #OWL2020 Coach of the Year is... @moonbyungchul89! pic.twit...2020/10/04 09:34Overwatch
Overwatch今季のDennsi Hawelka賞はMcgravyが受賞 🐰 Cosplay or team-kills? @McGravy does it all! His sportsmanship and levity's earned him the #OWL2020 Dennis Hawelka...2020/10/04 06:50Overwatch
Overwatch今季のルーキーオブザイヤーはAlrarmが受賞 Here it is! Your #OWL2020 Rookie of the Year is... @alarm! ⏰ pic.twitter.com/lNvGfcaaIo— Overwatch League (@overwatchlea...2020/10/04 05:25Overwatch
OverwatchDriftersのbyZenithコーチがOWL入り目指してLFT LFT OWL as Head Coach/Assistant Coach.Current Head Coach for @DriftersQQ.Previously Head Coach @ThirdImpactGG. Assistant...2020/10/03 06:49Overwatch
OverwatchCDLコミッショナーがOWLも兼任へ Sources close to @ATVI_AB have confirmed that Johanna Faries will head up both the @CODLeague and @Overwatch league in a...2020/10/03 06:40Overwatch
Overwatch訂正:各国で人気のesportsタイトルランキング Nielsen Esports Fan Insigts調べによる米国を除く世界各地域(中仏独日韓英)のesportsタイトルの人気/関心度。 回答が得られた16-40歳の1000人(おそらく各国ごとに)を対象ということだが、一部の地域を除き...2020/10/02 09:03Overwatch
OverwatchダラスのVol’Jinコーチが退団 Today, we mutually part ways with @Dallas_Voljin. We are grateful for the hard work and effort Vol’Jin has dedicated to ...2020/10/02 06:55Overwatch
OverwatchOWLのVlatelicaコミッショナーが退任へ .@PeteVlastelica has stepped down as commissioner of the @OverwatchLeague, this according to multiple sources familiar w...2020/10/02 06:43Overwatch