OverwatchDreamKazperが1年ぶりに公にコメント In regards to the past two years, the present, and future.Read: DreamKazper (@DreamKazper) November 18, 2020 未成年少女に対する性的...2020/11/19 09:48Overwatch
OverwatchReddit OWL Stats Botコマンド Reddit bot for OWL stats (update) from r/Competitiveoverwatch コンペサブにOWLのスタッツをコメント表示させるコマンド(引用元:DashReset.com)。 !overview...2020/11/19 09:29Overwatch
OverwatchNYXLがJjonakと再契約 Pleased to announce that we've renewed @JJoNakLove's contract for the 2021 season. #EverUpward pic.twitter.com/cOJjsVRnV...2020/11/19 06:44Overwatch
Overwatch訂正:XQCがTwitch Rivalsでのストリームスナイプ行為で7日間の配信停止処分 訂正:貼る動画を間違えてたので差替。 Streamer xQc has been issued a temporary account suspension from Twitch. pic.twitter.com/F4yN1VcoaD —...2020/11/19 06:29Overwatch
OverwatchフィラデルフィアがEqoとの再契約を発表 It's our honor to say @eqo has re-signed to Fusion for 2021!A flex-DPS legend with a license to kill, he's ready...2020/11/19 05:23Overwatch
OverwatchワシントンがStitchら3選手の退団を発表 ! Today we say thank you to @Stitch__ow. You made an instant impact, boosting our team synergy and turning our season ar...2020/11/19 01:10Overwatch
OverwatchSBBがLFT LFT OWLdiscord : Saebyeolbeow#1247email : skypark5623@gmail.comI'm free agent— saebyeolbe (@saebyeolbe) November 18,...2020/11/19 00:31Overwatch
OverwatchNYXLがSBB、Libero、Anamo退団を発表 .@saebyeolbe is not just a captain—he is a leader. From season one, his bright personality & positive energy brought a s...2020/11/19 00:06Overwatch
Overwatchオーバーウォッチのシーズンメタを振り返るインフォグラフィックス I created a Complete Overwatch Competitive (top 500 ranked) Meta History! from r/Competitiveoverwatch 有志redditorによるシーズン1...2020/11/18 22:00Overwatch
Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ⑦(11/18) According to sources, the Shanghai Dragons have supposedly acquired Chengdu Hunters Support He "Molly" Chengzhi on a 2 w...2020/11/18 18:42Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画④(11/18) Wub: "Kevster this year has potential to be the best player in the game" from r/Competitiveoverwatch 今年のKevsterはこのゲームで最高...2020/11/18 18:35Overwatch
OverwatchハンターズアカデミーのTeam Chaserがロスターを発表、Lateyoung、Yveltal、Kyo、Lengsaが加入。 Comment from discussion Team Chaser (Chengdu Academy) announces their full roster.. 成都ハンターズのアカデミーとして新設されたTeam Chaserが公式w...2020/11/18 13:30Overwatch