Overwatch League【オーバーウォッチリーグ】ハンターズのLateyoungが退団 Today we part way with our number 64 player LATEYOUNG. Lateyoung officially leaves Chengdu Hunters and becomes a free ag...2021/10/08 18:00Overwatch League
Overwatch League移籍トラッカー+6(10/7)ロンドンがSparkrとShaxを除く全員を放出 他 LFT OWLI’m still under contract with Boston Uprising. However, I was given the option to explore new opportunities. If y...2021/10/07 22:00Overwatch League
Overwatch League【オーバーウォッチリーグ】グラディエーターズのBirdringが現役引退 A true legend retires today.@Birdring, you have impacted this game forever. We and the entire Overwatch community wish y...2021/10/07 12:18Overwatch League
Overwatch League【オーバーウォッチリーグ】フィラデルフィアのTobiが現役引退、コーチ転身へ Read this !Read: tobi (@ow_yangtobi) October 6, 2021 フィラデルフィア・フュージョン退団が決まった🇰🇷Tobi(韓国、サポート)が現役引退を表明、今後はコーチとして指導者を目指すことを明ら...2021/10/06 15:34Overwatch League
Overwatch League移籍トラッカー+1(10/6)フィリーのTobiが退団 / ボストンのFusionsが引退 他 We can't thank @ow_yangtobi enough for the skill and hard work he brought to all of the Fusion as a veteran player a...2021/10/06 12:02Overwatch League
Overwatch League移籍トラッカー+3(10/5)フィリーのShockwaveが退団 / ショックのANSがLFT 他 --------------- Today we say goodbye to @sHockWaveOW. Thank you for your hard work and positive energy, we are proud to ...2021/10/05 23:07Overwatch League
Overwatch League移籍ゴシップ+5(10/5)元ソウルのMiroがコーチでLFT / 前ショックのStrikerがLFT 他 LFT OWLstill under contract with GC Busan TDIPosition : coachDiscord : GC Busan TDI Miro#6765Email : gjh0138@naver.com p...2021/10/05 21:00Overwatch League
Overwatch League訂正【オーバーウォッチリーグ】上海が現所属選手との契約状況を公開、現有戦力全員が残留へ We know you have a lot of questions about our players and what's happening to them so we made a quick list of everyone's...2021/10/05 15:34Overwatch League
Overwatch League追記【オーバーウォッチリーグ】ダラスがSparkle、Fearless、Doha、Fielder、Hanbinと再契約 with much skill and prowess he amaze, he's the happiest genji in the world 🥷welcome back the 2021 Dennis Hawelka Awa...2021/10/05 06:47Overwatch League
Overwatch League【オーバーウォッチリーグ】パリのJmacがヘッドコーチに昇格、Kaanら4選手も再契約 He's back for 2022. Not only that, he's stepping up to the head coach role. @JeungMac_ow, we cannot wait to see ...2021/10/05 06:12Overwatch League
Overwatch League【オーバーウォッチリーグ】スパークがSMSら4選手を放出 As we are bidding farewell to IDK, M1KA, COLDEST and SEOMINSOO, we'd like to say thank you to them for all their har...2021/10/04 22:59Overwatch League
Overwatch League【オーバーウォッチリーグ】チャージがKarivら4選手退団を発表 We would like to announce our parting with Jihun, MYKaylee, KariV, and Mandu. We would not have gotten here without you....2021/10/04 22:37Overwatch League