Overwatchヴァンクーバーの内情に関するDCinsideのリーク The reliable source from Vancouver Titans DCinside gallery said “There’s 101% chance that Titans end up with LONDON SPIT...2020/04/20 00:49Overwatch
OverwatchRunnerが中国チームと接触 Runner just said on his stream that he had had a meeting with GM ofChinese overwatch league team. Is it about MAG? He tu...2020/04/19 23:46Overwatch
Overwatch上海HCがGeguri起用を示唆 정말 열심히 준비를 했고 좋은결과가 나와서 기쁩니다. 오늘 경기로 인해 상대팀들이 더더욱 우리 상대로 준비가 까다로워 졌길 바랍니다. 곧 게구리 선수도 나오길 저 또 한 기대하고 있습니다. GGS!! @Chengdu...2020/04/19 23:37Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画⑦(4/19) Just managed to get a sneaky backcap from r/Overwatch Soonばりのバックキャップでカートをポイントまで運んでしまうダイヤ帯トレーサー。 Heart-Racing OT from r/C...2020/04/19 22:22Overwatch
OverwatchSlimeもプロフィールからバンクーバーを削除 Slime has removed ‘Titans’ on his twitter bio as well along with Haksal and Twilight. from r/Competitiveoverwatch Haksal...2020/04/19 21:38Overwatch
OverwatchTwilightのプロフィールからもバンクーバーが消える Twilight has removed ‘@Vancouvertitans’ from his twitter bio as well. Are Vancouver Titans collapsing now? from r/Compet...2020/04/19 20:31Overwatch
OverwatchOWL Week 11 Day 3 Leave leaves the Dragons feeling a little singed! 🧨💥#LetsGoHunt #OWL2020 🤠 pic.twitter.com/yd1EXieMND— Overwatch League ...2020/04/19 19:14Overwatch
Overwatch元上海のFreeFeelが現役引退 元上海ドラゴンズのFreeFeel(中国、サポート)が現役引退を表明。 OWL初年度に0-40を経験した同選手は、その後、B612にIDを変えて再出発。 その後は中国チームのRestartを経て最近はコンテンダーズCNのLightGamin...2020/04/19 18:31Overwatch
OverwatchHaloがHaksalのドラマを匂わすリーク Have been told by multiple league sources, that the Titans were considering offers for Haksal last off season but eventu...2020/04/19 18:07Overwatch
OverwatchHaksalのプロフィールからバンクーバーが消える Haksal removed ‘Vancouver Titans’ on his twitter bio. Now it says ‘OWL HAKSAL’. Something went wrong with him and the re...2020/04/19 10:50Overwatch
OverwatchSuperがFlash Ops出場チームを発表、XQCも参戦中 ANNOUNCING THE BEST TEAM IN THE TOURNEY 30 MIN BEFORE WE START: THE GOD GAMER GANGTANKS: @xQc AND ME :)DPS: @Isyboi_ @Ra...2020/04/19 06:16Overwatch
Overwatch本日の動画⑦(4/18) Giga brain Rein charge from r/Overwatch デュープ終了直前の道連れチャージで見事生還するエコー。 Amazing boop from Moth on Lijiang to stop Dallas’s p...2020/04/18 14:20Overwatch