Overwatch65歳のアクロバティック ルシオ Overwatch-playing dad charms the internet with his acrobatic play style pic.twitter.com/KsGRQS2T9C— Polygon (@Polygon) J...2021/01/27 04:21Overwatch
OverwatchOWL4月延期はやはりOW2とは無関係 OWL開幕4月延期がOW2リリースに合わせたものではなく、ビザ問題とそれを考慮したリーグ開催形式によるものであったことをOWL関係者から改めて確認したというTheGameHausの記事。 既にOW2のリリース遅れについては様々な方面で噂とな...2021/01/27 04:04Overwatch
Overwatch本日の移籍ゴシップ(1/26) KSP is going to ATL reign— baaz0 (@Baaz0leakboyceo) January 26, 2021 SGNのボストン入りリークは不発に終わったBaaz0だが、今度はヴァリアントのKSP(Kai)がアトラ...2021/01/26 15:46Overwatch
OverwatchSeagullが休養へ I've been struggling with burnout/depression, don't expect to see me on for quite a while.Don't forget I exi...2021/01/26 12:40Overwatch
OverwatchCDL Youtube公式チャンネルでゲームアカウントとの連携が可能に You asked for it, and you got it!2021 will be a great year for @YouTubeGaming and we're kicking it off with Account ...2021/01/26 11:11Overwatch
Overwatch無我夢中でルシオをプレーする年配プレイヤーが話題に My dad plays Overwatch like this. He jerks around, dodging and peeking around corners. He lifts his mouse a LOT. He lose...2021/01/25 23:32Overwatch
Overwatch追記:本日の動画/画像⑤(1/25) Harbleu reaches number 1 after 30 hours of streaming Overwatch from r/Competitiveoverwatch 同日NAラダータンク部門のトップに立ったSuperを抑え首...2021/01/25 21:47Overwatch
OverwatchRunawayがWoohyalら4名の退団を発表 Hello, this is RUNAWAY.Today, the contract with Assassin, Woohyal, Revenge and GgulTaek coach has been terminated.We wou...2021/01/25 20:31Overwatch
Overwatch意外な初勝利 Shanghais first ever victory agaisnt dallas from r/Competitiveoverwatch 週末に開催された「NexTトーナメント」でダラスをスウィープした上海だが、意外にも上海がダラスに...2021/01/25 09:29Overwatch
OverwatchKSPがIDを変更 Changing ingame name to Kai since its easier to say and everyone calls me kai anyway. Thanks for reading.— kai (@yung_ks...2021/01/25 09:22Overwatch
Overwatchプレイ画面のUI小技 Apparently you can adjust the margins of your HUD to "shrink" it down a bit by changing these values in your settings (D...2021/01/25 09:20Overwatch
OverwatchVicarious VisionsがDiablo 2リメイクを担当 Blizzard said today that it's absorbing Vicarious Visions. What it didn't say: - VV has been working on a Diablo II rema...2021/01/23 21:41Overwatch