Overwatch訂正:ダラスがこの週末にさらなる選手と契約か? As far as I'm aware, the next will be sometime this weekend. I'll update on all these Fuel items. Sean Collins (...2020/10/24 09:41Overwatch
OverwatchOVERWATCH PTR PATCH NOTES – OCTOBER 23, 2020 Overwatch PTR Patch Notes - October 23, 2020 本日配信されたPTRパッチは20日に配信されたルシオのQOL再調整と昨日のアンプリフィケーション・マトリックスの幅増(エクスペリメンタル)のみが追加さ...2020/10/24 09:31Overwatch
OverwatchShazが現役引退へ You will always be remembered in this scene. Best of luck in retirement! 💜 pic.twitter.com/3va8xWRFjo— Los Angeles Gladi...2020/10/24 07:04Overwatch
OverwatchトロントがLogixとの再契約を発表 Thank you Mr @LogixOW 🙏 We're excited to announce the man himself has re-signed with us for 2021! Lets goooo #RiseTo...2020/10/24 07:03Overwatch
Overwatch間もなくワシントンがDecayとの再契約を発表? I wouldn't be surprised if the Washington Justice announcement teased today is the team announcing the re-signing of...2020/10/24 07:02Overwatch
Overwatchフィラデルフィアが新ヘッドコーチを招聘 Everyone please give a warm welcome to our new Head Coach, @NineK_OW!We are very excited to head into the 2021 season un...2020/10/24 07:01Overwatch
OverwatchダラスにパリのSp9rkle、Hanbin、Rushコーチが加入、ダラスはオープントライアウトを実施 Route #1: 📍@ElementMystic | | __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 📍 @ParisEternal | __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | 📍Arrived: Fuel. We're exci...2020/10/24 07:00Overwatch
OverwatchフィリーのFuryがLFT My contract with the Philadelphia Fusion is set to end on 11/20, and I will be a free agent on that date. However, I am ...2020/10/23 22:22Overwatch
Overwatch追記:2020年のOWL平均視聴者数は昨年比で約60%以上も減少、CDLとの明暗が鮮明に(Esports Charts調べ) Viewership comparison of Overwatch League 2020 & 2019. #OWL @overwatchleague Statistics exclude Chinese platforms. TOP m...2020/10/23 17:30Overwatch
Overwatchダラスの移籍ゴシップ Sources continue to confirmation the Dallas Fuel's EM storyline, as Dallas and Paris have also supposedly agreed a d...2020/10/23 17:13Overwatch
Overwatchダラスの暫定HCが気になるツィート I’m so excitedMy king is coming 👀— Fuel_Yong (@FuelYong) October 23, 2020 現在ダラスで暫定ヘッドコーチを務めているYongコーチの気になるツィート。 ダラスは元Ele...2020/10/23 12:41Overwatch
OverwatchワシントンがRoar退団を発表 !Today we say thank you to @rOar_ow as we have mutually parted ways. rOar, your commitment and effort were instrumental ...2020/10/23 09:33Overwatch