OverwatchパリのSmexがLFT In regards to my health, I'd like to say that I'm feeling even better than before my surgery, looking forward to...2020/10/22 09:02Overwatch
OverwatchFree Agentステータスについて 本日公開されたOWL選手契約ステータスのFree Agentについてredditコメントを元に説明。 Free agent—team option declined for 2021 既にチームと選手間で交渉が行われており、チーム側から元契...2020/10/22 07:36Overwatch
Overwatch追記:トロントがLogixを除く全選手の退団を発表 We take pride knowing one of the best Overwatch players is part of our team history. Thank you @Surefour for bringing yo...2020/10/22 06:47Overwatch
Overwatchオプション行使なしのFAについてワシントンGM And one quick reminder, the rule we added Decay under in 2020 *required* him to become a FA after this season, doesn't m...2020/10/22 06:39Overwatch
Overwatch追記:OWL各チームの契約状況一覧 Spooky season is upon us, and we're not talking about Halloween 👻 Take a look at the current status of player contracts ...2020/10/22 06:15Overwatch
OverwatchフィリーがChipsa退団を発表 We only spent one season @ChipSa_OW, but we can't thank him enough for the hard work and laughter he brought to all of F...2020/10/22 06:14Overwatch
OverwatchNYXLがNenne、Whoru、Hotba、Bianca退団を発表 We want to wish @nenne_chu, @HOTBA_OW, @BiaNcA_ow and @Whoru all the best as our journey together comes to an end. On be...2020/10/22 00:28Overwatch
OverwatchフィリーのKDGヘッドコーチが退任 Today we part ways with Head Coach @dgkimmm.This year Fusion completed our best ever regular season with a 24-2 record, ...2020/10/22 00:24Overwatch
OverwatchPTRボールのフック調整具合 今日のPTRで再び改善されたボールのフックは不評だった前回の補正具合が微調整された模様。 以前よりもターゲットアシストの範囲が狭くなったので意図しない場所にフックが刺さる現象が緩和されている。 さらに、城マップA付近にある家屋の屋根など、こ...2020/10/21 12:35Overwatch
Overwatch昨季MVPとROTY Super grateful I got to write about both of them before they were gone good luck to you, Haksal pic.twitter.com/PoQibuaA...2020/10/21 12:34Overwatch
Overwatch追記:Haksalが引退へ One of the greatest Genji players of all time is retiring from the @OverwatchLeague. We are honored to have had him as p...2020/10/21 10:04Overwatch
OverwatchボストンのFusionsら4選手が再契約 As we build our 2021 roster this offseason, we’ll give you exclusive insights in our newest series: Building #BostonUp U...2020/10/21 07:54Overwatch