Overwatch 2 Next Season 9 Healing and Damage Balance and Genji Dragonblade ⚔️✨
Adjusting burst healing and damage for next Season 9 is one of the key balance challenges, the #Overwatch2 team said. There was no specific answer on how to change it ⬆️
They’re happy where Genji is… pic.twitter.com/YxCQEWboxP
— Naeri X 나에리 (@OverwatchNaeri) December 8, 2023
Could we see hero bans and tokens to swap heroes in #Overwatch2 👥
Alec Dawson revealed that whilst nothing is planned currently, the team are not done evaluating what it means to swap and toyed with these possibilities.
🎨 UI Concept: u/chillskilled (https://t.co/49g8Ot051O) pic.twitter.com/AJmYnjReYG
— Overwatch Cavalry (@OWCavalry) December 7, 2023
OVERWATCH 2 DEVELOPER TEASES “INTERNAL TESTING” INCLUDING HERO BANS AND NEW SWAP TOKENS 👤🚫#Overwatch2’s Lead Hero Designer Alec Dawson hinted that we could be seeing experiments where swapping heroes could cost “tokens,” as well as the possibility of a hero ban system.… pic.twitter.com/nwKGRK2Mk0
— Naeri X 나에리 (@OverwatchNaeri) December 7, 2023
Fundamental balance changes are coming to #Overwatch2 💥
The team want to use the new year to introduce ways to make the game feel different. Currently, they are looking to soften burst heals and damage with Season 9. pic.twitter.com/Ihf9H6SqBJ
— Overwatch Cavalry (@OWCavalry) December 7, 2023
Blizzard may soon make changes to Cassidy in #Overwatch2 🤠
Alec Dawson mentioned that the team are set to take a look at Cassidy, expressing that they are not fully happy with his kit. pic.twitter.com/GxOteet5x3
— Overwatch Cavalry (@OWCavalry) December 7, 2023
リードヒーローデザイナーのAlec Dawson氏曰く、キャスディのアビリティ(グレネード)には満足していないめ、その変更の可能性についても検討しているとのことです。
Wrecking Ball is likely next up to receive changes in #Overwatch2 🐹
Kenny Hudson revealed that the team are in the initial prototyping phase looking at the hero, which could amount to some small changes or a full rework. pic.twitter.com/n5sfHmw49u
— Overwatch Cavalry (@OWCavalry) December 7, 2023
開発スタッフのKenny Hudson氏曰く、チームは最終的にリワークないしいくつかの変更として採用される可能性のあるプロトタイプを検討中とのことです。